1) social scientists study how social forces animate digital technology use. don't fall into traps of technological determinism that give devices agency or power absent social forces that create them and shape use.
2) computational social science is not the study of digital technology use. i love you, comp soc sci friends, but this is a method – and is inherently used to understand digital life.
3) age is not a prerequisite for studying digital technology use - and do not use terms like do not use terms like “digital native” or “digital immigrant.” it's both inaccurate and nativist, and diminishes research on immigrant life.
4) “users” are human beings, and they are not mindless consumers. let's not follow technologists' lead here in terminology.
5) read work by scholars outside of sociology who study digital technology – anthro, comm, hci, informatics. trust. knowing this work is how we can inject sociological methods and theories in ways that productively make contributions.
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