My docs are all thrilled with the amount of weight I've lost, and they say they wish their other patients would do likewise. They say patients could reduce or get off of medication and have improved outcomes. But not one of these docs told me to lose weight while I was unhealthy.
I dunno if it's against the standard of care, if they worry about complaints, or if they just feel like it's futile, but I don't understand why docs aren't encouraging their patients to make positive lifestyle changes. I know it's doable, bc I turned my life around in six months.
How is this even more relevant today? Two factors correlated with a bad outcome for the coronavirus are obesity and diabetes. Fully two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Why aren't we having a national conversation about this? Why aren't docs harping on their patients?
If your doc won't tell you, I will. GET HEALTHY. I started by cutting out junk food, lowering my calories, and walking 30 minutes a day. That's it. You don't need to starve yourself or join a bootcamp class. Just eat less and move more. Add weights and sprints when you can.
I'm a former record-holding powerlifter, and when I went back to the gym after years of cancer and many surgeries, I had to use baby weights. It was humiliating to me, but I did it anyway. Started off small, and over two months I worked my way up to heavier free weights.
I now go beast mode in the gym with heavy weights and high-intensity intervals. I did this one year after stage III cancer and the last of five grueling surgeries. You don't have to do heavy weights if that's not your thing. I know people who get great results from low weights...
...and high reps plus high intensity interval training, which you can do pretty much anywhere.

There are tons of people on Twitter offering good advice on how to get in shape and improve your health, including @ZubyMusic who's a great encourager and has a book out.
The only thing standing between most of you and better health is a decision. Small steps, tiny improvements each day that accumulate, and within just a few months you could be in the kind of shape you never thought possible. My challenge to you: start today.
You can follow @sarahsalviander.
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