You all know DNA...that double helix thingy we learned about in school.

But without cheating, do you remember what DNA actually does?

DNA is simply a set of instructions - alternating sequences of 4 nucleotides.

Those instructions need help to create proteins: Enter RNA
RNA takes instructions from DNA outside the nucleus to other parts of the cell where there is space to build structures (proteins, etc).

If DNA is the blueprint, RNA is the production line.

Different types of RNA serve various roles in transferring information & building stuff
We've been hearing a lot about mRNA (messenger RNA) which is what the Pfizer & Moderna #COVID vaccines contain.

We all have mRNA inside our cells. We need mRNA in order to take the instructions from DNA outside the nucleus to help build our bodies.
mRNA in #COVID vaccines contains a harmless set of instructions on how to build spike proteins present on the surface of #COVID19.

Our bodes build the spike protein (NOT the actual virus - this will not cause infection).

Then, our amazing immune systems form protective memory.
As described above, DNA uses mRNA to send instructions outside of the nucleus.

mRNA does not enter the nucleus. mRNA does not change our DNA in any way. mRNA is a messenger - nothing more.

Bottom line: #COVID vaccines will not alter our DNA. Biology 101 and very, very cool.
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