This is just Democrats doubling and tripling down on a losing strategy.

After 8 years of broken anti-trust promises at Vilsack's USDA, rural voters rejected Dems. After Vilsack heading Biden's rural strategy, Dems did worse.

This is not the way to win.
The most popular messages in rural America are populist, anti-corporate messages with 80% and above approval for "Corporate lobbyists have too much influence over the government."

But rural voters are conflicted whether its Rs or Ds who can deliver.
RE-appointing Vilsack, who left the USDA to take a $1 million lobbying job for the largest corporate dairy monopolies in the world, is not the way to win back rural voters who think corporate lobbyists have too much influence over government.
Vilsack led Biden's rural strategy and he failed.

Vilsack failed even worse than 2016. That's saying something.

If we have any hope of winning governing power, we can't keep letting losers like Vilsack fail up.
Vilsack's racially motivated firing of Shirley Sherrod was widely described as "cowardly."

After Black people delivered Biden the presidency, and the CBC has publicly pushed @RepMarciaFudge for USDA, how is Vilsack being chosen over a Black woman?
And the simmering racism of this push for Vilsack is gross. Fudge is an expert on SNAP, is from a rural state, has proven herself for @USDA and openly campaigned for the position.

Then sources dismiss her and say she can just do HUD?

Just gross.
It's a dog-whistle playbook that they keep rolling out against Fudge. First to push Heitkamp, now to push Vilsack.

Black people can do more than HUD, @Transition46. @RepMarciaFudge people can lead @USDA.
Now the @NAACP is coming out against Vilsack.

Would be wild for @Transition46 to choose Vilsack over @RepMarciaFudge.
All voters are against the corporate revolving door, but especially rural voters. If the rural backlash after 8 years of Vilsack's USDA isn't enough, if the Vilsack "strategy"'s dismal performance in rural in 2020 isn't enough, here's more polling.
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