Chicago Teachers Union just filed a request for an injunction to stop in-person instruction that is supposed to start January 11th.
The same union tweeted this yesterday in advance of the request for an injunction to stop in-person instruction

The tweet is now deleted.
The January 11th "reopening" is only for "students in pre-K and cluster programs"

Elementary and middle school students aren't expected to return until February 1st.
The union quoted Fauci in their request

But they didn't include this quote:

"The default position should be to try as best as possible within reason to keep the children in school [...] the spread among children & from children is not really big at all"
If a grocery store doesn't reopen families can take their money elsewhere

If a school doesn't reopen families should similarly be able to take their children's education dollars elsewhere.

We should fund students instead of institutions.
Even if a school does reopen families should be able to take their children's education dollars elsewhere

The money is supposed to be meant for educating children - not for protecting a government monopoly.

Fund students, not systems.
Schools should have the choice to reopen or not

Teachers should have the choice to return to work or not

But families need a choice too.

We should fund students directly and empower families.
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