THREAD-Re: Budget Day #yyt
I used the city tax calculator to see difference in taxes between 2019 to 2020 if the mil rate(used to determine your tax bill) went from 7.7 to 7.8. Follow along to see how ridiculous it is to be against absolutely any tax increase whatsoever.
Before I get into the #'s remember that no tax increases are a huge part of candidate campaigns in this city. There's a belief that a tax increase of any amount would put exorbitant stress on property owners. Candidates take advantage of that to get votes. Our services suffer.
The current mil rate is 7.7. I'm using the example of increasing it to 7.8 for 2020. Here's a breakdown of a property assessed at $1,000,000.
2019 - 7.7 mil rate - $8310 yr
2020 - 7.8 mil rate - $8410 yr
Yearly difference = $100
Monthly = $8.30
For a million dollar home.
On the lower end, for a property assessed at $100,000
7.7 mil rate - $1380 yr
7.8 mil rate - $1390 yr
Yearly difference = $10
Monthly = 83 cents.
Average house assessment is, I believe roughly $300,000 in St. John's. For this amount:
7.7 mil rate - 2920 yr
7.8 mil rate - 2950 yr
$30 yr difference. $ 2.50 monthly.
I think as tax payers we need to really think about services vs. tax increase. Sidewalk clearing funding increase motion was voted down in September. Metrobus services are being cut. This is affecting the safety of citizens and our carbon footprint.
Property owners who are terrified of a tax increase this year, does these numbers help decrease that stress,knowing we'll have better services if taxes are increased marginally? I own property and I'll happily pay $30+ more if it meant better transit and accessibility.
I'm angry at councillors who act like increasing taxes by a marginal amount will put property owners...out on the street?(sarcasm). Realistically, I think it's because of losing votes. Without a predictable & safe route for transit, we're actively harming people.
It would be selfish of me, a vehicle and house owner to say I don't want to pay the equivalent of a takeout meal extra in tax this year. For some, it's the difference of being able to get to work or access healthcare. Which in turn affects the ability to access food and housing.
Also, public transit and walking as the main transportation methods places isn't just for marginalized groups. We need to break the stigma and normalize public transit, walking and cycling. In turn we get a healthier population and and a lower environmental impact.
Accessibility is also a huge issue. Public transit and sidewalks are the only way some folks with disabilities can get around. It's a human right to be able to access services as someone who isn't disabled. This gets overlooked so often at the city level.
I've emailed the city council. I know the meeting on the budget is today but it's not too late to email them at [email protected]. This emails them all at once. My apologies to Maggie and Ian who also got my angry message this morning. Thank you both for speaking up on this.
This was the response from Shawn Skinner (my ward Councillor). 😬
I don't have time to go through and check grammar and spelling. So you're getting a quickly typed anger fueled thread that is hopefully legible.
Jamie's reply. So so disappointing. I hope more progressive people run for council next year. I hope that we as townies remember this and not only vote but help get more progressive people elected.
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