In a serie of threads, I am going to present the archetypes existing in every man and every woman. My threads will be based on the work of J. S. Bolen, a Jungian analyst who used the Greek Pantheon to qualify and classify those archetypes.
Before starting, I advise everyone to read this thread by @OInscendence. 👇


She explains the Jungian notion of archetype, the 3 categories of goddesses (virgin - vulnerable - alchemical) and gives an excellent summary of each.
- The Virgin Goddesses : Artemis, Athena and Hestia -

These 3 goddesses personify the independant, active, nonrelationship aspects of women's psychology. Artemis and Athena are outward and achievement oriented archetypes, whereas Hestia is inwardly focused.
The VG aspect is that part of a woman that is unowned by or "unpenetrated" by a man - that is untouched by her need for a man or need to be validated by him, that exists entirely separated from him. It refers to a virginal psychology, not a physical, literal virginity.

In Greek mythology, Artemis was a virgin goddess : immune to falling in love, she was never abducted or raped, and was never half of a husband-wife pair.

Her identity and sense of worth was entirely based on who she is and what she does.
- ARTEMIS THE ARCHETYPE : goal-focused archer -

Artemis was the Goddess of the Hunt. This archetype gives women the innate ability to concentrate intensely and to be undistracted from their course, either by the needs of others or by competition from others.
- ARTEMIS THE ARCHETYPE : sisterhood -

Artemis was accompanied by a band of nymphs. They traveled with her and were unconstrained by domesticity, fashions, or masculine ideas of what women "should" be or be doing. They were like "sisters", with Artemis as a "big sister".
- ARTEMIS THE ARCHETYPE : affinity with nature -

Artemis' natural element was the wilderness and undomesticated nature. She is the archetype responsible for the "at-oneness" with themselves and their environment that backpacker women feel when they wander into nature.
- ARTEMIS THE WOMAN : early life -

Artemisian babies are the ones who look absorbingly at new objects, who are active rather than passive. They love to explore new territories. As children, they stand up strongly for their causes and principles and abhorre unfairness.
If an Artemis child -like her mythological archetype- has a loving Leto and an approving Zeus as parents, she will fully embrace her potential. Problems arise when parents criticize or reject an Artemis daughter for not being the girl they expect her to be.
In this configuration, she may run into opposition. She wants to have the exact same permissions as the boys. Disapproval of her "Little Miss Independant" personality may harm her self-esteem and confidence, especially if her admired father wants her to act "like a real Lady".
Her father's disapproval is often the biggest issue for an Artemisian daughter. The weight of her mothers' negativity is usually less important. Such women are more likely to experience mother-daughter difficulties, especially if they view their mothers as passive and weak.
Devaluation and lack of respect for their weak mothers strengthens the virgin goddess qualities of Artemis daughters. In rejecting identification with her mother, she rejects what is considered as feminine - softness, receptivity, and stirrings towards marriage and motherhood.

As a girl, the Artemis woman is typically a natural competitor with perseverance, courage, and will to win. She may be a Girl Scout or a "horse-crazy" type of girl whose world revolves around horses.
As a teen, she is less conforming than her peers, and is often described as "pig-headed", "stubborn" and "unfeminine". When she leaves home for college, the Artemis woman enjoys the exhilaration of independance and the competitive challenge of whatever interests her.

She puts effort into work that is of subjective value to her. If she has entered a helping profession or the legal field, it's because an ideal has influenced her choice. If she is in business, it's because she believes in the product she's selling.
If she is in a creative field, she most likely is expressing a personal vision. If she has entered politics, she is an advocate of a cause, most usually to do with environmental or feminist issues.

However, the interests pursued by many Artemis women have no commercial value.

Artemis women have a sense of affiliation with other women. They usually consider their friendships with other women very important. In the work world, they easily ally themselves with "old girl networks".
Even the most individualist Artemis women always support women's rights. They have, by nature, feminist leanings. They feel they are equals to men. They have competed with them and have often felt that the stereotyped roles they were supposed to play were unnatural.

An Artemis woman is more likely to conceive acquiring sexual experience as a part of her tendency to explore and try new adventures. Sex is a recreational sport, a physical experience, rather than an expression of emotional intimacy or instinctive sensual nature.

An Artemis woman in her 20's is more likely to focus on work or causes, and to date a variety of men rather than just one alone. She may stay unmarried. When she does marry, her marriage has an egalitarian quality. She may keep her own name.

In Greek mythology, Artemis has a twin brother, Apollo, the many-faceted God of the Sun. The Artemis-Apollo twinship is the model most commonly seen in the relationships Artemis women have with men.
Moreover, the Artemis woman is often attracted to a man whose personality has an aesthetic, creative, healing or musical side. She is not charmed by dominating men or mother-son relationships. She avoids men who insist on being the center of her life.
The Artemis-Apollo relationship may result in an asexual, companionable marriage, in which the partners are each other's best friends. Some Artemis women may even marry gay men, appreciating the companionship and independance such relationship allows the other.
Or, paralleling the myth of Artemis and Orion, an Artemis woman may fall in love with a strong man and may then be unable to keep a competitive element out of the relationship, which kills it.

The Artemis woman isn't an "Earth-Mother" type, and being pregnant or nursing a baby will not fulfill her. She is the kind of mother who fosters independance, who teaches her young how to fend for themselves and yet who can be ferocious in their defense.
She is comfortable with not having children of her own, to be the "youthful aunt" or a stepmother.

When she has children of her own, she looks forward to when they will be more independant, and do not look back with longing to when they were babies or dependant toddlers.

A midlife crisis may happen between 35 and 50 if the Artemis woman does not have any other goddess aspects in her life. Indeed, in her middle years, there are fewer places to explore and adventures to experience.
She has either achieved her goals, reached a plateau or failed.

The mature Artemis may also usher in a reflective time, influenced by Artemis the Goddess of the Moon rather than by Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt. She may venture into psychic, psychological or spiritual realms.
In her later years, her youthful activeness never ceases. She doesn't settle down ; her mind and body are always on the move.

The psychological difficulties that are associated with Artemis women usually cause others to suffer, rather than bringing pain on themselves.

They may include:

Contempt for vulnerability;
Destructive rage;

To overcome her psychological difficulties, an Artemis woman must develop her less conscious, receptive, relationship-oriented potential. She needs to become vulnerable, to learn to love and care deeply about another person.
Often this advance can occur only after the Artemisian woman has either reached her goals or failed to achieve them. The thrill of the hunt must have come to an end. A man who loves her may need to wait until then, and until he can get some aid from Aphrodite.

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