Reading evangelical criticism of Critical Race Theory and remembering why I left conservative Christianity for progressive Christianity. Thread:
Per a 2019 article from TGC... who reference CRT as a “new” theory and think terms like cisgender and intersectionality are new, even while CRT dates back to the 80s and some aspects date earlier.
The Southern Baptist Church keeps arguing about whether or not CRT is compatible with Christianity. I can assure them that there are plenty of Christians that can hold both. Also worth noting that a denomination formed out of the desire to promote slavery doesn’t get a say.
In fact, my faith personally informed my radicalization. The cognitive dissonance of believing in a loving, just God who seeks to overthrow oppression, while prioritizing power for the oppressor and keeping the status quo led me to examining inconsistencies in US Christianity
Ofc, progressive or not, Christians still benefit from and perpetuate problematic norms... something that I have been wrestling with for some time. I used to think I had to be secretive about these wrestlings. Now I see this as the growth and necessity that it is.
Coincidentally, the GOP has also recently discovered CRT, and it has become a frequent buzz word to attack. Republican and evangelical takes on this 50+ year old scholarship is reductionist at best and should look to the literature and not Fox News or evangelical sites to learn
From Rasool Berry: "A cursory glance at white American Christian responses during two previous periods of American unrest over the “race problem” quickly reveal similarities with the current pattern"
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