It seems that @the_moviebob has no idea why so many people hate his guts.

Let's explore that, shall we?

These are in no particular order, but I'm sure you can find *some* reason to dislike this fat racist hypocritical arrogant self-absorbed twat.
For the record, I do not trawl his account looking for these. I just save them when they come up. And I have over 50 of them. More if you count the ones I didn't put numbers on, or the ones outside of my liberal hypocrisy folder.
Moviebob does not believe in the intelligence or basic humanity of his opposition. When called out on this he regularly frames his only opposition as being racists or the superstitious, but he applies these labels more broadly than any other leftist I've come across.
He has no conception of global politics and yet feels the need - nay, the OBLIGATION - to speak as an authority on the subject.
His views ultimately boil down to himself and people like him being the intellectual elites of the world, and everyone else is subhuman garbage that needs to die off.

And if he's feeling kind he won't advocate for outright extermination.
The guy is a technocratic fascist out to exterminate everyone he deems inferior... but he thinks he's an enlightened progressive fighting for the good of all mankind.

This is not something that's cropped up once or twice in a moment of upset rage, either. It's constant.
His enemies are not merely wrong, they're evil and stupid. Being stupid is not just a problem, it is a crime and it must be treated as such.

Do I even NEED to bring up his views on eugenics?!
And this isn't even a comprehensive list of Bob's various insane, stupid, or outright *evil* hot takes over the years. I didn't include, for example, the recent shit with Lindsey Ellis where she accused him of stalking her.

I didn't even LOOK at the entries in my AntiGG folder
The guy is such an insane egomaniac that I cannot, in good conscience, group him with the left.

He is the guy that the most extreme leftist strawman would look at and go "dude you need to chill"
People hate moviebob because they have *very good reason to*.
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