I'm really overwhelmed (in the nicest way!) by everyone's supportive messages. Clearly, this is not the norm for me so I'm grateful!

And because I'm a doer, here's a list of concrete things you can do to support folks like me who are routinely harassed online:
1- Be an active bystander by:

Reporting all harassing tweets you come across.

Sending a kind DM or supportive tweet to someone who is being attacked.

If you're going to drag our trolls, UNTAG US FIRST. Otherwise you're crowding our Mentions and making it worse.
2- Never give unsolicited advice to someone being harassed.

We know we're allowed to flag tweets.
We know many of these things meet the legal threshold.

'Don't feed the trolls' is subtle victim blaming. Don't be patronizing under the guise of "support".
3- If you have privilege, don't just tweet "Hey men, we need to call this stuff out", ACTUALLY CALL THE STUFF OUT.

When privileged people with nothing to lose DM me "Sorry you're being attacked so hard right now", it's infuriating, tbh.

Go hard for me on main or not at all.
4- If you want to learn how to concretely address this stuff and be a real comrade, join http://iheartmob.org 

It's a digital platform for people who are being harassed online AND it only works because allies volunteer their time to answer SOS calls from victims. Sign up!
5- Question any and all rumours of feminist activists just doing the work for 'clout'.

I've never had a permanent job. Never had health benefits or paid vacation. I have to hustle to survive AND I get death threats constantly. Maybe assume our intentions are good?
When you're trolling a post about how to support someone being trolled and you use an inception-type GIF because you're too fucking dense to see the several layers of irony:
You can follow @JulieSLalonde.
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