An open letter to Danny Murphy, @MTLawrenson , and other Pundits who "Don't Know What Newcastle Fans Want": A Thread...

Reasons why we are not happy, shown through statistics and Twitter.
First a look at the last few years of being a Newcastle United Fan.

Last season many of our fans concerns were washed away with 'Look where Bruce got you in the league'

A lot of NUFC fans thought we got lucky last season and the xGPG to GPG comp would suggest thats true.
Shots PG suggest a similair story to GPG - a counter attacking team that dont counter attack.

Home shots PG nearly halved in a single season, the lowest shots PG since Pardew, and with less shots on target PG than when we got relegated.
The most depressing decrease is with regards to positive passing. I think this graphic speaks for itself.
Even though we have only bolstered our defence, our leakiness is starting to return.

More GCPG and more shots faced than any NUFC side in the last 4 years, with shots on target seemingly increasing each year.
Comparing us to other PL teams is interesting.

We're far more alike to Palace (Who have spent £74m less than Newcastle in 2 seasons) than we are West Ham or Brighton (Championship runners up to us by 1 point).

But even then when it comes to positive passing, we are far behind.
These issues are even more glaring when compared to relegated sides, with less XG than all the relegated sides and less shots away from home.
The differences between NUFC and the rest seems to be defensive, but at least these teams are trying to play an attractive style.
This is backed up when looking at positive passing statistics, with only Bournemouth having less shots leading to goal.

I dnt see how there can be ANY excuse for this. We are obviously able to at least ATTEMPT to play an attacking style, let alone thinking about money invested
Which leads me onto my final 2 Graphics
The first is positive passing compared to every relegated team in Europe. Just look.
the second is possession stats of relegated euro sides, we are the 2nd lowest ovrl poss in Europes top 5 leagues, with only us & Ausburg falling below 40%
Can anyone tell me if it is unreasonable to ask for more from this team/club?
Since Rafa left we've spent £100m and gone only backwards.
ALL Newcastle fans want is some hope, some ambition, and to get their moneys worth on the weekend.
These are the tables I created and made the graphs from, all this data is taken from match reports apart from the positive passing and xG which is taken from statsbomb.
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