My calculations on how this season might end for us.
We have played 11 games and procured 13 points, Awful.
Now we have 27 games left.
6 are against big 6 opposition
We are going to play 21 must win games.
If we win those 21(ان شاء الله) we will be at 21X3=63 points
Plus what we have procured
76 points.
It would be easy to get top 4 with that.
That was scenario 1.
Scenario 2: We keep losing games, 10 against non big 6 and 6 against the big 6.
We will be down to 43 pts.
We'll stay up.
Scenario 3: the team turn up and start playing well while getting a few wins vs top 6.
24 games won
72+13=85 pts.
These scenarios or calculations don't make sense but they do give you an idea of how things can change.
Last season man utd and Tottenham were in the same place in GW11 and we were 5th but we still finished below both of them.
Things can change, fast. It's up to the players now.
@SchmerzenSZN thots?
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