bts as things posted on overheard at harvard ; a very niche thread for all my struggling students
[Why would I not have cash? I carry a solid $200 on me constantly.]
[Swamp sacrifices are always exciting.]
[I name all my playlists after neurotransmitters... Acetylcholine is my workout one.]
[What are the point of bugs what are they contributing to corporate America?]
[The motto I live by is ”be the guy your dog thinks you are”]
[It’s about sexiness. All the time.]
[”Washing your face means you need to moisturize it.” ”Don’t be silly — everyone knows that water is made out of moisturize.”]
[The story really improved after the malevolent demon violin.]
[I will slurp that thing down like spaghetti and crush it in my muscular throat.]
[Debate teaches you how to sleep in the same bed as other people.]
[There’s no reason not to get an ass tattoo, really.]
[Grating cheese is more satisfying than getting a 4.0 GPA.]
[Fish don’t sin.]
[I’m very interested in the intersection between humans, plants, and religious institutions.]
[Scrabble is not for fun, it is for determining one’s worth as a human being.]
i literally made this thread instead of working on a paper pls make my inevitable failing law school worth it by unflopping this 😭
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