1. Seven storied mansions, #Anantnag #Islamabad: In Rajatarangini (c 1149CE) Kalhana speaks about mansions in the city of Srinagar 'which reach to the clouds'. The 16th century Mughal author, Mirza Haider writes about five storied 'lofty buildings constructed of fresh cut pine'.
2. Unfortunately today very few of these lofty mansions survive- lost in our quest for modernity. Still a 7storied residence- the tallest vernacular residential building in Kashmir is to be found at Anantnag, South Kashmir. The building was constructed by a Kashmiri Pandit in the
3. 20th century, and shows a interesting synthesis of local as well as colonial influences. The tallest residential building (a 6 story) in Srinagar city, also dating from 20th century is to be found at Mohalla Hassi Bhat near Rainawari,
4. The richness of local vernacular architecture can be seen in this image taken in the early part of 20th century, along the Nallah Mar canal- a canal which was filled up in the mid part of the 20th century as a move towards 'modernization' ( image: British Library website).
5. While we can still observe the diversity of material & aesthetics imbibed in Kashmiri vernacular in cities, towns and villages of Kashmir, the loss has been overwhelming. Ending with an image of a adobe 4 storey house from Mattan, probably amongst the last of its kind.
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