'Tis the season of cultural Christians using the word "holiday" to describe all Christmas things because they are too uncomfortable to admit that culturally Christian holidays are still Christian holidays, and like the bonus effect of pretending to include other cultures
BuT iM aN aThEiSt

same but I don't call Passover a secular holiday and ask you every five seconds why you don't celebrate it and call every spring the "holiday season" and spam recipes of "holiday charoset"
WhY dOnT yOu CeLeBrAtE ChRiStMaS tOo

possibly because it is a birthday party for a dude whose death led to the creation of a religion that caused thousands of years of violence and forced conversion for my ancestors, plus has a whole bunch of traditions I feel no nostalgia for
BuT tReEs ArE pAgAn

you just think you can decouple culture from religion because you're in the majority; modern secular traditions that evolve on top of religious holidays become a part of those religious holidays. all atheists should make hamentashen what is wrong with you
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