Oh hey! For the record, when I say statements like "When I was researching Heavenly Mother full-time for BYU, we didn't find any evidence of general church leaders publically stating or publishing the idea that 'Heavenly Mother is too sacred to talk about,'" that means just that.
After checking every single source that we could think of to check, of ALL of the places that they speak *& publish.* This doesn't mean that none exist, & in fact, I've since been told incidents of GAs saying it at local or regional meetings, including one of Holland. :(
None of these are meetings that are on public record or that we would have been able to access.

It's also not a good counterpoint to say that this was commonly said at BYU or other church pulpits. Like we know it was.
Almost every single time I talk about Heavenly Mother I ask people to raise their hand if they've heard this idea. & every time I have, pretty much every single person raises their hand.

It was also the *whole point* of the BYU studies article. The thesis is really SO simple.
It is that IT'S OK TO TALK ABOUT HEAVENLY MOTHER! That's it! That's the paper! & it shows hundreds of examples of times when Church leaders have.
& because of it, MORE CHURCH LEADERS HAVE BEEN SPEAKING ABOUT HER AGAIN! AS WELL AS REGULAR MEMBERS, which I honestly care more about in this particular context! We have been able to reclaim our relationship w/ our Heavenly Mother, & I'm so grateful to have been a part of it.
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