One theme that emerged from the Q&A during my #ASHP20 session on job crafting was managing work-life conflict, especially given the increase in working from home (WFH). The answer depends in part on whether you consider yourself to be a segmentor or an integrator. 1/5
Segmentors prefer stricter boundaries between work and nonwork whereas integrators prefer blurrier lines. When it comes to well-being, whether you are one or the other is usually less important than fit—the extent to which you can use your preferred strategy. 2/5
Segmentors likely benefit from treating WFH like a day at the office, such as having a set schedule and a dedicated workspace separated from the rest of the home. They may also balk at the idea of having social events during the workday (e.g., via Zoom). 3/5
Integrators likely enjoy the flexibility that WFH affords and may work intermittently throughout the day, alternating with nonwork activities. However, they may also miss the social aspects of work and may benefit from having organized social events. 4/5
As with any attempt to categorize people into groups, few individuals are wholly in one camp or the other. However, knowing which you prefer may help you manage work-life conflict and explain why some strategies work for others but may not work for you (and vice-versa). 5/5
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