Arsenal Football C̷l̷u̷b̷ Marketing agency. A THREAD

The truth stings
The Arsenal of the Emirates is not an Arsenal about being successful.

The Emirates Arsenal is a completely separate entity to the Arsenal of Highbury. I’ll be going over why everything we do at Arsenal from the owner, to the players to fans isn’t based on Arsenal being the best.
First of all, every football club is a company, but brands like City and Liverpool thrive off the success that is at their club. Man City winning major trophies benefits their brand; everybody associated with City only wants the best for City, At Arsenal that’s a different case..
At Arsenal, the board are only interested in keeping their jobs, but Arsenal doesn’t need to be successful for them to keep their jobs. 2 reasons:

Our owner isn’t interested in Arsenal’s success so he doesn’t pressure them

Our fans have no standards so we don’t pressure them
As long as the board aren’t receiving any pressure from the fans or from Kroenke, they are safe. So what the board need to do is, convince us fans that we don’t need to put pressure on them because it takes 4 years to be good. I.e - trust the process
The board are able to convince us of these lies by hiring professional marketers to create a certain narrative. A marketing agency hire’s people to advertise their company in a certain way. This is why Arsenal’s twitter admin is not even an Arsenal fan.
The board figured that hiring somebody who hasn’t got an emotional attachment to Arsenal is better than hiring an actual Arsenal fan, because a non-arsenal fan can easily tweet “get your Arsenal Christmas range” a day after losing to Aston Villa.
Another way that the board prevent us fans from putting pressure on them, is using PR.

PR (Public Relations) is an actual Marketing service that is provided by marketing companies. It’s basically a technique used to make your company be perceived in a certain way by people
A good PR comes from different Articles, reports, interviews and even tweets which portray a company (or person) in a ‘positive’ way. The board need Arsenal to have a good PR so that us fans fall for those lies and think that the club is being run well.
The club obviously employs many people to do their PR, but there are also people, who don’t work at Arsenal, who are contributing to this regime of the board:

1.) Journalists
2.) ‘ITK’s’
3.) Arsenal legends
4.) A lot of Big Arsenal accounts
5.) a lot of Arsenal fans in general
Generic journalists like your Ornstein’s, like your James Benge’s, like your Charles Watts, there’s never any passion coming from these people, it’s just recycled generic DECEPTION used to make it out as if everything is ok.
‘ITK’s’ every transfer window convincing our fans that we’re going to have a war chess which keeps the fanbase on strings and stops us from putting any pressure on the board because we’re being told to track Aouar’s Uber instead.
Arsenal legends, (this pains me to say) people who played for us when we were a football club, have decided to compromise their opinions for the sake of getting privileges at Arsenal. The ones who don’t aren’t anywhere near the club
Big Arsenal accounts with their daily hypocrisy telling us one minute that we had an 8/10 transfer window and now are saying that being 15th is down to the players we have.
The delusion of these big accounts filters through to the majority of the fanbase who have now created a cult of ‘positivity’ where if anybody isn’t trusting the process or saying the right things, you are not an Arsenal fan.
The likes of the journalists and the Arsenal legends know exactly what they’re doing. But Arsenal fans have genuinely fallen deep into the board’s trap. They’ve convinced themselves that they are ‘better fans’ than the ‘negative’ fans by being the board’s free marketing team.
Football clubs make decisions based on *football* reasons, Arsenal Marketing agency sign Brazilians for Edu’s own purposes, we choose to wait until deadline day to sign Partey so that the fans think we pulled one out of the bag, These are not football reasons. We are not a club
So what has happened is that there is now a *conflict of interest* in supporting Arsenal: fans want to tweet what is best for Arsenal, but they don’t want to be seen as negative.
Arsenal legends know that the club isn’t run well, but they want a free pre season tour with the club
As a result of this conflict of interest, there is less passion at Arsenal, which is why the club and a lot of this fanbase collectively accept mediocrity because they’re not as serious about the progression of Arsenal as we once were (when we were a football club)
Now you get robotic fans that just tweet recycled generic sawdust because that is a trait of the Arsenal Marketing agency, it’s all about saying the right things to fit in with the ‘family’
We could go 30 years without winning the league, and you’d still see the same ‘good vibes’ around the club, because it doesn’t matter how long we go without a title, as long as the fans are made to believe that we’re ‘rebuilding’ then they will force themselves to be positive.
If this Marketing agency continues to thrive (as a marketing agency), we will simply remain in the same cycle, and NO, the glory days don’t just magically come. Unless drastic change happens at Arsenal, everything will be the same. (If you don’t push an object, it won’t move lol)
Kroenke will not sack the board nor will he sack himself; us fans need to raise our standards and put pressure on *E͟V͟E͟R͟Y* aspect that is holding the club back. This idea that fans cannot be responsible for any of our mediocrity is a flat-out lie
Fans breaking free from the ‘Positive’ Cult, and saying what they really think, is the first step to becoming a passionate club and not just a diplomatic brand. #freethefanbase

This other thread shows how I think that can be possible

But that’s all for now👍

The truth stings
I’d like to make one more point that I feel is REALLY important: the board and owners know that they’re getting away with absolute murder, which is why it only took a letter from the fans for Josh to give us a reply.

Now imagine if us fans consistently put pressure on them

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