Imagine watching that episode and still clinging to the idea Boba Fett is a Mandalorian despite direct confirmation otherwise.
Din Djarin: Mandalorian isn't a race, it's a creed.

Din to Boba: You take the creed?

Boba: No, man. I only look out for number 1.

Attentive viewers: Got it, not a Mandalorian.

People not paying attention: THIS IS PROOF HE'S A MANDALORIAN
I also think it's super interesting the idea that Jango fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars. And how this is something that supports Almec's statements.

The only thing we know for sure is that Jango was there and got armor.
Was he a random mercenary like Almec said? Or a foundling?

Does it matter since by the time of Attack of the Clones he was clearly not living by the creed in either case? Not really.

Do either of those cases make Boba Fett a Mandalorian?

Not one bit.
I imagine the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Jango Fett got hired by Death Watch during the Civil War. At some point, they either gave him armor or he put the armor on and they didn't object. He took off with it.
EVEN IF Jango really were a Mandalorian, he still didn't raise Boba in that culture and Boba has never lived by that creed. Literally, his only connection to Mandalorians is the armor that other Mandalorians say his father simply stole.
Boba Fett was raised more by Bossk, Aurra Sing, and Jabba the Hutt than he was a Mando.
It's not a bad thing that Boba Fett isn't a Mando. It's okay.

I think it's more interesting.

In fact, the Mandalorian part of Boba's story is literally the least interesting part of Boba Fett.
The most interesting part of Boba Fett are the implications of his lineage as a clone. He has to survive in a galaxy where the men who murdered his father lead an army that look IDENTICAL to his father.
He has to grow into a man who is identical to the one he idolized and lost.

How does he reconcile that? How does he cope with that?

That's WAY more interesting to me than whether or not he's a Mandalorian. Which he isn't.
All right! I'm getting back to work, but this certainly generated a fun discussion.

I'm sure we'll talk more about this later!
And I'll add that maybe future information will prove this wrong. And they'll go against George Lucas's idea and make him a Mando.

I'm just saying that adding up all of the available data currently shows that Boba ISN'T a Mando to me. I don't think my math is wrong here.
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