1. Joe Biden reflects the best and worst Archetypal qualities of the Silent Generation: sensitive, inclusive, sentimental, but also indecisive, somewhat naive, and plagued by a sense of an unfulfilled life.

Biden’s cohort grew up in the shadow of the Greatest Generation...
2. They came of age after the defeat of Fascism and experienced the building of a new, post-war world by a heroic, optimistic, and community-minded generation. The spoils always seemed to go to that GI generation, and they were first to notice the weakpoints of that foundation...
3. The Silent Generation served as a crucial conduit between institutional power (Greatest Generation) and nascent spiritual power (Boomer Generation), and facilitated the gradual takeover of institutions by the youthful spirit of the 60’s...
4. Until Joe Biden’s candidacy, this cohort was never expected to produce a US President (Bush Sr.- Greatest, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump- Boomer), and Biden’s appeal to voters typifies the Silent’s longing for consensus and uneasiness with the present in old age...
5. The Silent Generation is the most wealthy elderly generation in American history, and this cohort is largely responsible for ballooning the Greatest Generation’s extortion of generational wealth to ensure comfortable living conditions for the aged...
6. And as a conduit between the institutions and the Boom’s spiritual awakening, they have helped to imbue our public institutions with a spiritual mission of “living up to our values,” (constantly identifying and reforming)...
7. But serving as a conduit has fostered indecision and feelings of irrelevancy. Sandwiched between a heroic older generation and a spiritual, self-indulged younger one, the Silents in public office seem reluctant to let go of the power they have wielded for so long...
8. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi immediately come to mind. It’s almost as if they want yet another chance at the last minute to taste the greatness of the GI Generation, and harness the spiritual power and certainty of the Boomers, but it feels clumsy and poorly timed...
9. Truly, a Silent Generation politico like Joe Biden was a natural response to the Trump movement: a return to strong, “moral” institutions and consensus politics built- a bridge between strong public institutions and spiritual Boomerism...
10. But Joe Biden is not great, and his spiritual appeal is stale. And like so many Silents before him, it’s more likely that he’ll be exploited by the vulturous Boomers he has surrounded himself with- individuals with a formidable spiritual vision and lust for power.
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