It's kinda fun to see leftist SJWs and right-wing jihadists get together and fall all over themselves trying to make the FPI as the victims.
I mean, in my estimation, the cops and the FPI deserve each other. So if they wanna go out and kill each other off, we should just watch in gleeful amusement.

Hoping against hope that whoever wins isn't any worse than they are right now.
Just you know, manage your expectations.

If you think this is gonna result in some sweeping anti FPI crackdown, it most likely won't.

In 3-4 days, this won't even be front page anymore.

In a week, we will have moved on to another bullshit dominating the media.
POLRI will still get up to their usual bullshit. No secret there.

The FPI will go back to their protection rackets, and I don't know, harassing churches and book discussions or some shit.

We'll still be in a pandemic. And the shit will just go on and on.
And of COURSE the Twitter woke police continue to bitch trying to tell folks what to tweet.

You fucking people.
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