7 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #LevinSavesAmerica

We're In Historic Real Time

Today's work will have even more moving parts than usual. But one part more important than any other is last night's @marklevinshow's historically transformational episode.
2) That Mark is a hero almost goes without saying. He is, but I had almost lost faith in him last week. Watched about 3 minutes and turned to other entertainment. Why? There is ONLY one story in America today. If you're not talking about election fraud you're not worth the time.
3) The MAGA Movement enters our story here. FOX's rating have hit lows that did more than stun the executives, it even inspired some real thinking. I don't know the editorial process. I do know, they cut Mark loose last night and he took the ball and ran all the way.
4) To my eye, Mark is at his best when he combines his masteries of law, history, and most especially the Constitution. We are at a turning point. Mark explained to us that this is the fight, now. We cannot wait for the next fight. This is what we're here for. This fight. Now.
5) We don't read pamphlets out loud in taverns and coffee houses, today, as we did in 1776. We watch TV, and we read and comment here in social media. Last night's show was, however, in the same category as Tom Paine's Common Sense and American Crisis.

6) I don't know how many millions watched the episode, eyes glued. I don't know how many millions more it will reach here online. I do know that none of us have ever seen anything like it in our lifetimes. Nothing. Maybe Paul Revere's Ride, right? Like that.
7) Something we've all known for decades is that if it isn't on TV, it didn't happen. A landslide election was controverted, stolen, by the most massive voter fraud in American history. We know it now differently. Mark acknowledged it, proved it. It's real. It was on TV.
8) I can't tell you how mopey I've been, angry, raging, sad, heart broken. FOX was a force for good in our lifetime. But it betrayed us. It did worse than merely lose its mission. It embraced evil. Its betrayal was far worse than the rest of the MSM. FOX became traitors.
9) At the start of this election season, I was enraged over Drudge's betrayal, but well, it was just Drudge, a conglomerator of other people's news online. I used it countless times with scorn, demonstrating the idiocy of the evil doers. FOX's loss was different. More important.
10) But then came Mark last night. Massive voter fraud on a scale beyond anything in American history. Who remembers Sam Giancana and the 1960 Illinois vote for JFK? I know, many of you love JFK. But if you check it, it was a stolen election.
11) Then, an assassination and voila, LBJ. And his Great Society. I don't blame - although I might easily be wrong! - voter fraud for either WJC or BHO. But JFK and LBJ, come on. The Democrats are good at voter fraud. We have to face that truth.
12) But Mark explained to us that November 3, 2020 was something else. And we know why. The left needs and cannot live without a broken America. Just as Trump killed the WTO and is strangling China, he is also absolutely draining the swamp. The two are not separate activities.
13) Trump has altered the makeup of SCOTUS as no president in memory. SCOTUS no longer belongs to The Cabal. It will no longer write law. I believe that Scalia was assassinated. Imagine that I'm right, and that that is what lead to the loss of SCOTUS. Justice.
14) Many of you have followed my honorable failure at polling, and remember that I never published my data due to its massive slant for Trump from every sector. I didn't have enough or strong enough data to believe what it said. http://BetweenTheLines.Vote 
15) Logic, intuition, and instinct are meaningful inputs, but you can't run polling by them. Still, I absolutely did know, as did you, that you can't run against the most successful president in our lifetimes by looting and burning, rage and destruction. They had nothing.
16) As we roll forward, Mark explained, the data is coming in now, and the data does NOT add up to even the possibility of a Biden victory. It stinks to high heavens, polluting our polity, and it is on us to do something about that. We'll dive into that more, in a moment...
17) Before we do, engrain this little schematic onto your mind, heart, and soul.

* Knowledge => Action
* Certain Knowledge => Unstoppable Action

I'm going to tell you a true story now, backing that schematic up. We'll come back to knowledge and action here in 2020/2021.
18) We got the diagnosis of Autism for our son Anthony while we were living in our dream spot, forever home (we wrongly thought) in Aptos, CA. Once that was in, we discovered our school district had simply nothing that could meet his needs. So, we began exploring.
19) With our large family, leaving CA was not yet an option, so we looked up down its great length, and eventually found a 2-year program for Anthony in Modesto. We won't talk about Modesto. We were happy it was only a 2-year program, though.
20) Still crazed over having to move, I did not want to get involved with all the parents stuff and activities. @KateScopelliti was both wiser and more courageous and without me, she did. She discovered a dire situation. There were 11 other families with needs requiring our help.
21) We were traveling all over the US, looking for Anthony's next program. Those 11 families, for various reasons, couldn't leave as we were going to. And they couldn't organize or work with the school districts involved. Kate decided they had to have me involved.
22) Obviously, I got involved. We organized. I became the leader of our efforts, and Kate and I ended up on a committee of both educators and parents' representatives. While I never formally ran the meetings, I ended up actually running all the meetings and the entire effort.
23) We did every bit of homework required, and we did a great job. At one point, though, they crossed the line, the educators did, and I quit for about 3 days. With all the families behind me, I got the call and they came back in line.
24) Once finished, we had a proposal for a classroom for Autistic children. It became the very first of its kind in California. Other states had already done so, but none like the one we created. Anthony attended it for 6 weeks before we moved to his next program in Boston MA.
25) Once we had the educator/parents proposal completed, it had to be presented to the school districts board. The teachers on our committee asked me to do the presentation, and I did. And oh my, what a learning experience that was.
26) It was obviously a money meeting, and millions upon millions of dollars of this and that were approved and put into the coming year's budget. Our program was $1.5 million and it got approved. It was the largest budget for any classroom in CA history at the time.
27) Specifically, it was $300,000 per year, for 5 years. It was the right thing for them to do. 100%. So, that's not what shocked me so from the meeting, although just 10 months previously, when I got involved, I could never have dreamed of such a thing.
28) What most shocked me was what the meeting chair announced when opening the session. He explained that this was an OPEN session, that any member of the public might attend, and offer business for the board's consideration, freely. Anyone could attend and speak.
29) I had been coached, and I raised my hand and announced our proposal, which they all already had in hand so no one was surprised. But, get this, Kate and I were the ONLY other people there, other than the board members. Anyone could have been there, but no one else was.
30) I had never been involved in anything like that before, and had NO IDEA that that was how government operates. It still boggles my mind. I was 35 years old and had never had the slightest idea about the real workings of government, nor the power I held in my voice.
31) I bet you've figured out where I'm going and why I'm sharing, but if not, I'll explain below, directly.

Short break, and I'll be right back...
32) I mentioned a couple of days ago, a conversation I had with @shestokas about a voter fraud case in PA where he was an expert witness. He shared that there were about 300 patriots there when he walked in, and what that meant to everyone involved in the case.
33) He shared as well that many hours later, there were still around 50 people there cheering him and the rest of the team on, thanking them, when the court session ended and they walked out. Imagine the meaning of that investment of time and presence by those patriots.
34) Watching Mark's show last night, the vision became clear to me. There will be events coming. First, we have to have knowledge. Knowledge of the facts, the truth. Knowledge of the dates and places. Then, we must organize.
35) Listen to what my friend @MikayesFiona says on point: https://twitter.com/MikayesFiona/status/1335762144353251329?s=20
36) Following Mark's lead, Econ/Intel Chick tells us, we cannot talk about next time. We have to fight this one because there will not be a next time.

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