It’s been a bit since I’ve written a thread due to some health issues I’ve been going through. But today I want to talk about how MG are way closer to getting married than you may think.

I’ve spoken previously about their plan to build an empire together so that their+
relationship going public won’t hinder their success. I believe there is a meticulous plan in place and we’ve been seeing it unfold right before our eyes for a while now.

In case you forgot, G’s recent events and projects have all had a similar theme. Secrets, true self,+
hidden, etc. I also wrote a thread about the Moth project. I believe that was the start of G coming out.
I believe that before MG come out as a couple, it’s important for G and his identity and story to come out first in his own way. It’s empowering and a moment that’s his+

It’s not as easy in Thailand to just come out with blunt wording. While there are amazing and understanding Thai people, there are still many in the culture and entertainment industry that are still homophobic. So it’s important to time it properly. When they’re ready.+
That’s why they use their safety net of excuses to protect their status until the right moment.

Through Moth, G was able to express himself and his story. To be more open and free. Since that point, he started to show more confidence in himself, his attitude, and his style.+
He continued his coming out story through his concert. It chronicled his journey and how he changed when he met M. All the build-up and spilled tea over the past months finally culminated when G sang his song for M. G didn’t write the song himself, so every line may not match+
perfectly to their relationship, but the cultural context of the song is really the biggest point here.

To understand it better, read both of these twts. Sha points out that it came out during an important time for LGBTQ rights. And the thread she quoted talks about an example+
of how it was used to identify with an LGBTQ relationship (and probably has for many others). As inter fans we have to remember that translated words aren’t everything to be taken at face value. Thailand has a rich culture and many elements we may not understand at first glance.+

This song is a statement more than a direct translation. It represents LGBTQ. Gulf basically used that statement and dedicated it to M. It was his way of continuing the coming out process. Think about it in terms of your own culture. If it’s common+
cultural knowledge that a song is identified with something, presenting that song publicly tells a story.

Let’s pause for a second and let that sink in. G came out. Wow, right? It’s a big deal! Not because it changes anything, but because it’s still an important step in G’s+
life which takes courage and vulnerability to share that part of your life with the world.

To be honest, MG are almost always several steps ahead of us. Every time we suspect something it’s revealed later and we’re left wondering how long we’d be missing the truth. Them dating,+
living together, etc. It’s all been part of the unwinding story. And now with G coming out. It’s only a matter of time until they make their engagement official. For all we know, they could have already gotten engaged privately. I have no proof, but there have been several big+
moments that could easily turn into that in private. But, either way, I have no doubt that a wedding is on the horizon.

M is a planner. He’s talked about a honeymoon, future work plans, even surrogacy. Their future together is being talked about and even planned. I can+
guarantee it. So G coming out and a wedding looming is the most obvious thing in the world to me.

And tbh, inter fans seem to be the only ones not on the same page in understanding that. Some of us do, but I hope this thread can help catch everyone up because Thailand knows.+
For example, in the Destiny live today, the MC said that she heard about the song G sang and knows what it is and that we all love him. To me, that is a very obvious response to someone coming out. Not because G shouldn’t be seen exactly the same before and after coming out,+
but because it illustrates that even in a country that still has some struggle with homophobia, we are telling G he is loved no matter what. It sounds like something a supportive party would say to that situation.
It wasn’t her teasing him. And it wasn’t about tea. It was+
literally her saying, hey, we know about your coming out song and how your relationship doesn’t need to be put into words. We know. And we love you.+
We don’t know when specifically MG will get married, but every step has come true along the way. They’ve been together a long time now and are so deeply in love. It’s the most beautiful, pure, and genuine love I’ve ever seen.
Knowing that they’re always steps ahead and with+
how loud they’ve gotten lately, all I can say is…mark my words. They will be married before we know it. This is just my opinion, of course. But I believe it.

So proud of both our boys and so happy for them. Let’s keep watching and see what happens because boy was MG’s friend+
right when he said we should prepare our hearts for the day that MG would be more open. They can’t share their official title yet but actions always speak louder than words.

Note: This is all deduction on my part and I have no hard proof, but I still believe in the words I’ve said. Time will tell, right? But, hey, believe in our boys. Period.
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