So after doing some reading up on Swan Lake i’m going to talk about this.
To begin the dance Jungkook is angry. His dancing is sharp and loud and everything depicted of an irritated person.
This directly translates to Swan Lake after the Prince’s mother tells him he must marry because he has reached 21 years old. He sets off on an adventure through the woods where he finds a lake.
The prince comes upon a beautiful swan in the lake one night.
The swan turns into Odette (The white swan). She tells him of a sorcerer who turned her into a swan.
The sorcerer appears after Odette tells the prince and drags them away from each other. This is shown by Jungkook being pushed and pulled backwards in the dance.
The sorcerer commands all the swans to dance on the lake so that the prince cannot chase them as he takes Odette away.
This can be seen by the swarm of black-clad dancers surrounding jungkook as he is hurled backwards.
It creates almost an impossible to see atmosphere through the mass of dancers.
The next thing we see is Jimin being hurled forward in a swing type move and he is placed on the back of a dancer. This move highly resembles a move done to switch characters.
One may even associate this with the switch out during the Dionysus performance at the 2019 MMAs. During this we very well could have seen the transition of Odette to Odile (The black swan).
The sorcerer places a spell on Odile during the prince’s marriage celebration so that Odile may appear as Odette.
The dance that takes place between jungkook and jimin has strong ties to the dance performed between the Prince and Odile in the ballet while he professes his love unbeknownst to the fact that Odile is not Odette. They dance together.
The lift closely resembles the pas de deux during this act with the prince and Odile.
In the final part of their dance, we see Jungkook lift jimin from his waist and then immediately fall to the watery floor. There are two possibilities for resemblances in this.
One, this could resemble the Prince choosing Odette over Odile in the end. Or two, it could resemble the prince and Odette jumping into the lake and sacrificing themselves in the name of their love for each other. Both is possible if you watch their performance.
There’s nothing that readily distinguishes it.
Furthermore, I believe just by the ending of the ballet, that Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Taehyung represent the other swans that were freed from the curse when Jimin and Jungkook (The prince and Odette) jumped into the lake.
The swan at the end of the performance with jin i believe symbolizes their ability to be free now. Take this as you will, but their ability to perform a song and incorporate almost the entire storyline of Swan Lake is insane and I will forever cherish this performance.
It’s really something else when they can use their inspiration from a world renown ballet and tell the story using their music. BTS stays at the top for ingenuity.
Since this blew up unexpectedly... This is Tae’s birthday goals for this year!! Stream on spotify, youtube, and soundcloud! Also keep streaming Blue & Grey @taetinypics 💓
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