It’s been 10 years since the #nudgeunit opened its doors. 🤯🤯🤯

Here’s 10 trial results (out of 900+) we’re proud of from the past decade.

1. 240kg of plastic enters the ocean every second!

By changing the #default in Solomon Islands school lunches from #singleuseplastic to reusable containers, we galvanised the government to ban 5 types of #plastic. @UNDP 🧴
2. 1 in 4 students are #sexuallyharassed in Aus unis but only 20% of bystanders intervene.

We used social norms messaging which included practical tips for taking action in these situations. This led to a 31% increase in reported bystander action. 💪
4. In 2017 we partnered with @MetPoliceService to try reduce officer susceptibility to cyber phishing attacks. 🦹‍♂️

BI-embedded training that included exposure to a mock #phishing email made officers less likely to be phished in future! 🚓
5. Sending a series of reassuring and timely texts to people on @IAPT waiting lists reduced dropouts from #mentalhealth services and significantly increased attendance at appointments! 🧠 
6. Moldova has one of the highest rates of multi-drug resistant #TB in the world. 🇲🇩

By creating a virtual form of directly observed treatment we boosted #medication adherence from 44% to 84%!
7. In 2012, we reduced the number of people who were on job benefits by 15-20% by incorporating stretching commitment devices into the @JobCentrePlus process of finding work. 👔
8. Pension information is complicated and engagement with it is low.

By consolidating 100 pages of essential info into a one-page ‘Pension #Passport’ we boosted web visits to Pension Wise 10 fold! 💸💸💸
9. We sent timely texts to #parents of 16,000 UK students incl. info on upcoming tests, tips on motivating kids to study & conversation prompts related to subjects.

This improved #maths results by the equivalent of an extra month in the classroom! 📚
10. In the UK, 3 people die per day due to a lack of organ #donors.

A #reciprocity message, focusing on how an individual might one day need an #organdonation themselves, led to 96,000 additional sign ups to the NHS donor register. 💖
There’s plenty more where that came from. Come celebrate our 10 year anniversary at 

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