The bill introduced is weak on protection
Credentials haven't been terminated
She didn't stand with HB 316 when introduced
Machines are easily hacked.
She even posted regarding how she was against these machines around the time GA was conducting their primaries (June2020)
So knowing she has had a history of being against these machines, why would she make judgements regarding the hearings on how they will go before she walks in? Why doesn't @elenaparent stand by her words when she fought against these machine?
Maybe its @elenaparent's support for Biden that blinds her of her Constutional duties to uphold the law.
As a reminder @elenaparent when you took your oath as a card carrying Bar member of the State of GA, you swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of GA.
@elenaparent as a resident of GA, I request you to stand up and demand an audit of these machines you were so against to restore the integrity of election process. Sitting idle makes you complicit to the fraud that you knew was there before the machines were bought.
You can follow @EmilyBroden.
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