Thread on $WAVES and why I have been supporting it for over 4 years now. Many people wonder about the #WAVES price action and think it is just another pump and dump. I don’t think so. 1/X
$WAVES started in 2016 and raised 30,000 BTC in their ICO. Back in 2016 BTC was 700$ so these BTC are now worth a lot more. WAVES has been building through a bull and bearmarket for 4 years now. What has been achieved?
First off, $WAVES started their own mainnet and testnet in 2016 (and later also stagenet) which have been running without incidents since then. On top of this network, they have been building awesome stuff like the DEX and other protocols.
The Waves DEX ( @Waves_Exchange) has a nice UI which makes it useable for everyday people to create tokens for all kinds of use cases. On the DEX it’s easy to trade lots of different crypto’s while retaining full control of your private keys.
WAVES is fast. Transfers on the $WAVES blockchain take seconds and have a fixed fee because it’s proof of stake consensus. WAVES holders can stake WAVES and rake up these fee’s gaining more WAVES.
Staking $WAVES if easy because of the Waves UI. Also, if you want to exchange your WAVES for other crypto’s like BTC, or ETH this can all be done from within the client. The client also supports a wide range of stablecoins.
WAVES has it’s own smartcontract language RIDE which get’s developed actively and can now pretty much do what Solidity does for ETH. RIDE is easy to learn and there’s plenty of documentation: .
With RIDE tons of cool stuff is being developed on WAVES like Oracles, Neutrino protocol, and Gravity Protocol. Waves pretty much offers everything chains like Chainlink, Tezos and Polkadot offer but all in one chain. $LINK $XTZ $DOT
Neutrino protocol ( @neutrino_proto) offers stakeable stablecoins on WAVES with around 15% APY and few risks because it is all backed by locked $WAVES and $NSBT. On the Waves DEX you can easily swap between lots of different stablecoins like the USD and EURO.
The Gravity protocol ( @ProtocolGravity) wants to connect $WAVES with all other blockchains but it will not use a token! It’s a solution to connect all chains without adding another layer, Gravity will use the other chains native token.
Next to the WAVES chain there also is a Waves Enterprise chain ($WEST) specifically made for Enterprise blockchain solutions. Waves Enterprise already has some huge clients using it like banks and the Russian and Brazillian government. @wvsenterprise
The last few years $WAVES and other WAVES related coins like $USDN has been listed on pretty much every big exchange there is. Binance, Kraken, Huobi, Kucoin you name it.
There’s a lot more to tell but the bottom line is this; $WAVES bas been building a huge ecosystem for four years now and big things are still up ahead. This baby is not about to stop because it’s years ahead.
Where other project have a whitepaper and a main net WAVES has already build everything the last few years and is now reaping the rewards. Check it out for yourself on:  and #RIDEonWAVES
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