She’s talking about stuff like Cummings’ Covid holiday here and not, you know, implementing the policies of the National Front. She approves of the latter part and wants to see more of it.
You’d think the question here - why do the Tories get less popular when press and TV switch off the all-media 24/7 propaganda campaign to boost them as iron-willed foreigner-stompers and demonise the opposition - would answer itself, but it never occurs to any of these people.
Are the Tories less popular now because the press has stopped hammering the elderly with the most idiotic and terrifying propaganda every day, screeching that the Tories are the only thing preventing domination by foreigners and the total victory of terrorism, or is it because
It really is interesting that the total insanity and rabid partisanship of the British press is the first thing people watching in other countries notice, and yet it’s totally invisible for many who live here, particularly to the people who write and broadcast the insanity.
I’ve seen this happen multiple times just this century - the press rabidly promote some crazed and disastrous policy with embarrassing determination and when it blows up in the government’s faces, the hacks find alternative explanations for it that don’t implicate the press.
We saw it with wars and austerity and we’ll now see it with Johnson and Brexit - the plans that we all endorsed and fervently propagandised for were excellent, unimpeachable, and they would’ve worked if not for (meaningless drivel) and that’s why I was and always will be correct.
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