“Ironically, though managers may have feared that remote working would allow employees to slack, it may be that managers have not been up to the challenge”, no shit. This isn’t about working “harder” (= more). This is about many managers being unqualified. https://www.economist.com/business/2020/12/03/how-the-pandemic-is-forcing-managers-to-work-harder
Framing the problem as one of “communication” misses the bigger picture as well. It’s less that most managers don’t choose the right words at the right time. It’s that they don’t know what to say. Unqualified to make assessments of work quality. Stripped of the seat-time trick.
No wonder there was such managerial opposition to remote work. It’s the emperor-has-no-clothes moment of management. Revealing the unqualified in their naked pomposity. Dressed in invisible threads by the likes of BCG.
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