Okay, so some of you are going to scream at me for what I'm about to say, so be it. I am sick to death of all this COVID BULLSHIT! Let's get a few things straight, fist, 99.9% of all those who get it will survive. They'll be sick for a while, (took me 3 months to recover,
but I have incurable blood cancer so I am not the typical patient.) That said, even with a severely compromised immune system, I survived and was NOT hospitalized or even seen by my Dr.
Continuing attempts to imprison the American public, stop kids from going to school and
prevent life from returning to normal are doing NOTHING to present or stop the spread of covid any more than they would the common cold.
In the past year this BULLSHIT has cost hard working AMERICANS their jobs, homes, hopes and dreams for the future, economic security,
businesses,and sanity. Not to mention the fact that it has opened the door to a massive national security threat created by "some" who have illegally tampered with the results of local and nation electoral process primarily via mail in voter fraud in their arremprs to gain
control of our country to further their nefarious activities, STOP the purge of corrupt government officials, and protect those guilty of corruption and crimes against the American people so numerous and wide spread we may never uncover the extent and depths to which it actually
The American people are awake and have begun to understand whats happening in our country and WE ARE NOT HAPPY. What better way to try and control 100 million possed of gun toting Americans with a constitutional right to use those arms to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY from a
tyrannical government packed with corrupt ABC agencies that are quite literally OUT OF CONTROL and operating according to their own rules rather than the rule of law. Corrupt judges in place and used each and every time even blatant wrong doing is exposed to sweep their crimes
under the rug and assist in any way needed to further the corruption.
Patriots, it has truly gotten to the point where we must seriously consider firing EVERY individual within many of these agencies and starting over with strict oversight in place made up of average American
citizens rather than politicians. Those who are in charge of making the rules and laws must be forced to live under those same rules and laws without exception! Those in control of America's purse strings can not be allowed or trusted to decide what they will be paid, what
benefits they will be allowed, or how many days per year they will be expected to work for that pay and those benefits. The very idea that the American people are paying elected officials just shy of 200k per year for actually showing up and doing their jobs less than125 days
per year is insane!
The fact that elected officials going to Washington for the first time who are not millionaires when they get there, and are paid less than 200k per year, can leave Washington after only 2 years as multi millionaires should make every tax payor stand up take
notice and insist upon a full accounting of just exactly where than money came from.
The fact that in this country insider trading is illegal and punishable by long prison sentences for average American citizens, but it is not illegal for elected officials in Washington D.C. who
have in depth detailed factual inside information which directly impacts businesses and fortune 500 companies worldwide, and they are allowed to make personal financial decisions based upon this inside info no one else has enabling them to accumulate massive wealth in very short
periods of time is but one glaring example of things that have created this climate of unchecked corruption within government, and an attitude that those involved are untouchable. They think they can't be touched because they've created a utopian place where they make all the
rules and laws and do so in a way that above all else, covers their own asses first.
COVID has given them the perfect opportunity to further these outrages with no one looking because they've convinced everyone they must remain imprisoned in their homes so they don't catch or
spread a virus that in fact is less lethal than an average cold and flu season.
If you want to cover your face, isolate yourself from your support systems, churches, friends, clubs, schools, social groups, be frightened to hug your family members, be refused the opportunity to be
with dying loved ones and family members as they pass alone and in pain, be restricted from attending funerals and saying goodbye with loved ones and family members, you go right ahead and continue playing this redicolouse game the government is playing with your lives, but
coming from an American who has a severely weakened immune system, an incurable rare blood cancer, and a few other painful progressive diseases and conditions, I REFUSE to spent whats left of my life locked inside my home and kept away from those I love and care for most,
you should too! I am Passionate Pachyderms The BRUTALLY HONEST ELEPHANT IN EVERY ROOM, and I tell it like it is! http://Passionatepachyderms.com 
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