So... this is kind of a grim thing to bring up, but I really don't think any of the cis people following me right now realize just how absolutely terrified out of our damn minds every trans person is right now.

The recent U.S. election seems to have done a pretty good job of
giving fascists a bit of a black eye in the specific arena of having nazis in elected office and having the media in general kissing feet, singing praises, and boosting general propaganda, and a whole lot of people seem to be treating that like THE win not A win and packing it in
while there's still quite a few other fronts where we are still fighting the nazis, and where that fight is going REALLY bad.

Like, remember before the election where there were nazis in the streets backed up by cops just indiscriminately committing acts of shocking violence?
People getting shoved into vans with no identifying marks and people driving trucks straight through crowded streets and all? None of that has actual stopped and shows no sign of doing so soon.

You know those roughly 300 judges Trump appointed, including a fucking third of the
supreme court?

They all keep those jobs after Trump is out of office and are wasting no time to do as much damage as they can (which is a LOT by the way) as quickly as they can.

And meanwhile in England there's still the problem of uh... the entirety of
the media being completely in the control of bloodthirsty fascists who are actually doing an amazing job of pushing the Overton window to where just straight up killing all the trans people isn't just unobjectionable but positioned as a moral imperative.

And if you think none of
these are things you personally have to worry about, first I'd suggest double checking that you didn't forget any details like how corrupt far right judges cause laws to be changed pretty quick on stuff like whether black people can vote and women can have abortions and such, and
terrorists driving cars through crowds and plotting to kidnap heads of state move around and do that in other places, but also consider that like, there's a lot of celebrities in England that have fans all over the world and when, you know, a children's book author goes pure evil
those international fans tend to go along with that and start crap locally.

Anyway trans women in particular are, as always, right on the front lines of all this, which again, might make you feel safe but... there has never been a case of people stopping with us. We're basically
the low level enemies nazis grind on for a bit until they can start getting somewhere attacking everyone else.

But also, TRANS WOMEN IN PARTICULAR ARE ON THE FRONT LINES OF THIS. And all other trans people are totally in the splash zone of everything we get hit with. So... I'm
kinda looking around, and I swear damn near every cis person I know is going into "things are going back to normal mode, so I can stop being scared and catch up on TV" while I honestly think literally every trans person I know has very seriously considered suicide at least once
within the last week or so. And I know a lot. I think the last time I got an actual solid night's sleep was sometime in October because literally every night I've been up until like 7 or 8 AM making sure one or two people I know isn't making an attempt. Shit's that bad right now.
So... it's be really quite appreciated if everyone could take some time out of their day to really freaking help. Some random helpful things you could maybe do off the top of my head in no particular order:

- Treat every single trans person you know like some kind of spoiled
pampered little princess (or prince, or insert gender neutral term I'm blanking on) and just pile on the love and support and random out of the blue gifts and offers to help with things to counteract that whole "the world wants us dead and nothing is going to stop it" thing.
- Really raise some awareness OUTSIDE of the standard trans circles about, you know, the genocidal fascists rapidly accelerating down the path to having us all locked up and tortured to death. Ideally in a way where you're not reminding trans people who already got that memo.
- Find some of the bloody minded violent people who use their social media accounts to flood trans people's mentions with grotesque violent imagery and personal attacks literally every waking moment of the day, and just start reporting everything they post. Especially if you're
verified here. All reports trans people make about this stuff just get uniformly thrown out no matter how blatantly they break every rule, but other people have a decent record of getting real action taken.

I don't have a handy list of every such account, but there's always some
choice examples floating around and every virulent transphobe account has a list of followers and people they follow that is just nothing but equally horrific evil rule violating people so you can just kinda make like you're going down a wikipedia hole and keep finding as many as
you could ever want by just working through their own networking like that.

- Throw some freaking money at this. Really active front, getting this horrifying thing overturned immediately is a HUGE and immediate priority:

- Do literally anything you can
think of that you're morally comfortable with to stop virulent fascist transphobes from going about their daily routines. I am explicitly leaving what this entails up to you. Skip trying to reason with them or engaging in public debate, but literally anything else is just fine.
And of course it's not something most people are in a positon to do, but if you can, give trans people platforms to get word out to the general public ourselves. A bunch of us, myself included, are actual professional writers, who have been totally black balled out of writing.
These are pretty simple things honestly, just... do what you can, and do it soon please. I'm so terrified that I'm going to learn someone I care about and/or some huge number of innocent children ended their lives any day now that I cannot in any way function. I'd like to be able
to cook, and sleep, and track down that message where someone asked me if I'd be interested in intellectual writing about horror movies for a magazine because that is 100% my jam and I've been freaking out about totally losing the message with the link about that in the shuffle.
Oh and if you happen to be reading this thread and you're trans? Please try to do me a favor.

Get the hell off this website for a while.

Most of us already REALLY struggle around the holidays due to family issues and general poverty, and that's enough to be stressing out about
by itself. Enough people are going to be stubborn and self-destructive enough to ignore this and cover keeping cis people up to date on how much worse things are getting, so you don't need to risk it. Just... take a break, or cut way the hell back, and read some books and play
some games and just generally act like the spoiled rotten little monarch larvae I said people should treat you as until the holidays are over, then check back.

I'm honestly going to try and practice what I'm preaching here I think. Might do some more streaming, but otherwise I'm
really going to try to take a mental health break for the next few weeks. You really should too. I care about you, and you're hurting yourself reading about all this stuff in real time more than you realize.
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