As an extrovert who has been pretty rigorously social distancing since March I am starting to fatigue heavily. I never realized how much I depended on the little daily interactions. Meeting new people. Hugging and shaking hands. Feels like the color is going out of the world.
We're going to implement a socially distanced weekly outdoors hike in the lab and I am so much looking forward to that.
A day in the life of pandemic Micah: wake up, walk saga, make coffee and smoothie, sit at desk in home office, make dinner, walk saga, lie on couch until midnight. Rinse and repeated every single day for a year. Rotate seeing the 3-4 people in our bubble once a month. đŸ˜±
I'm trapped in an glass LED case of boredom.
Also, now when I do meet people physically, it's like I've lost half my social ability. Pretty sure I'm half shouting like Michael Scott. Please excuse my intensity, you see...
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