There's an iron law of 21st Century politics:

Whenever rich and powerful people want a nation to adopt an economic policy that's helpful to them and harmful to us, they disguise it as a culture war.
Farage and his ilk are simply the billionaires' stooges, providing a smokescreen of xenophobia and sovereignty, behind which their masters pursue their political and economic interests.
Focus on the manouevres, not the smokescreen.
Don't get drawn into their culture wars.
Bring the subjkect back relentlessly to the economic interests behind the policy, and what they seek to achieve.
There was a moment on the BBC's Murdoch series, when the mask fell right off Farage's face. He confessed (apparently believing he was off camera) that he had sought Murdoch's permission to speak.
And we saw for an instant what he really was:
Rupert's nylon glove puppet.
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