What world would have if everyone was like YOU?
Would it be a just, progressive, corrupt or peaceful world?
Wonder with me.
1. What if all your colleagues are like YOU. Their work ethics, solving problems, team work. Would going an extra mile be a std? Or ride on everyone’s else success? Wld the office rumours reduce or explode? Would the company be profitable or make bigger losses than KQ/KenyaPower?
2. What if husbands/wives were like YOU! What kind of marriages wld be? Wld the marriage story change? Wld we have thriving couples loyal, fulfilling, companion marriages? Or exploitive marriages. I give what he gives. Tit for tat. Akimwaga kitoweo, namwaga ugali kinda of rships.
3. Just imagine if all business owners were like you. Would the employees be thriving? Would you receive a KRA award for best tax paying corporations? Or you bank all the max profits in Cayman Islands. Would the community thrive through your CSR programmes?
4. Would your company be a den for marriage break-ups due to office blooming affairs? Would other corporates cite your business practises as best practise model?
5. What if all believers in your church are like you? They pray like you. Give like you. Fellowship like you do. Reach-out to others like you do. Or is your church-belonging an exclusive club? Do you only reach out to those of your social strata and in the same WhatsApp group?
6. or Safari groups, prayer and bible study group is exclusive to this class? Would the church be a moral compass as it ought to be? Or when they list the corrupt, immoral YOU feature prominently in that list?
7. Imagine all the Kenyan citizens are like YOU! Could it be the reason we have a country like it is now? Because of YOU! Despite how bad the political class IS, as far as they come from your community or meet your interests you are OK.
8. What is your concrete contribution to Kenya? How do you make your community a better place to live for you and the next generation?
9.Folks, the more we wonder, imagine and probe why our world is unjust, unequal, corrupt violent and explore solutions to make it peaceful, equitable and sustainable; it comes back to ME!
10. Mahtma was right “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves”
Simply, change begins with ME/YOU! Most probably things will remain the same unless YOU change😍
You can follow @kibukofridah.
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