I don’t totally agree with Josh’s tweet, especially the way he’s worded some things, but I think theres some good points that people may gloss over just because he’s obviously frustrated with his experience dealing with “stan culture”. Gonna talk about it here for those that care
I think idolization and blind loyalty to a personality is dangerous and especially with younger kids it can be really bad for them as they are figuring out who they are, that’s a lot of impact these figures (ppl like me) may have on a viewer.
It’s why with my more “dedicated” community/limited stan “culture” around me I make it really clear on boundaries, not necessarily to protect myself but because certain behaviors stan culture can exhibit isn’t something I necessarily find healthy or want representing me.
What I’ve mainly come around on in this past year is my overall view on it. I really really fucking love that people can find a group of friends they form real connections with a common interest in me or my content. I think its one of the coolest things ever
And its why I’m now pretty supportive of “stans” and the ppl that are in those kinda communities cus I’ve seen a vast majority of the time it’s a way to make friends and express interest/passion in something.
My problem only lies in the blind idolization/obsessive tendencies of some (not referring to any actual diagnosed obsessive tendencies btw, I have OCD and get it) of those fanbases, and the group mentality/mob that can form around... something Josh definitely dealt with.
Complete idolization will always inevitably lead to said creator/subject making a mistake, and i think some stan cultures inflate instances of “drama”/“mistakes” with disregard to the fact that at the end of the day... we’re all people with our own lives, thoughts, and issues too
Long thread but ppl were asking for my thoughts and its something i like diving into/thinking about as twitch/gaming culture becomes more and more mainstream and widespread. Exponentially this year.
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