Chief Justice John Roberts has, consistently, supported every single ruling that allows for the creation of an RNA vaccine over an 11 year period.
John Roberts disagreed with the Court's holding that a jury, rather than the FDA, is ultimately responsible for regulating warning labels for prescription drugs.
John Roberts appears in Epstein's flight logs from Palm Beach to Teterboro
18 days after Wyeth v. Levine, Roberts finds himself on Epstein's plane
6 months later, he's dumping his Pfizer stock so participate in cases involving vaccine injuries
5 months after that, he ends up on an Epstein flight again
and 12 days after that, vaccine producers became exempt from injury lawsuits
He would later support Obamacare twice, ensuring consolidation and digitization of of patient information
Then would finally make sure fetal stem cell pipelines couldn't be disrupted... pipelines that were essential for RNA vaccine development given its protein-first focus
Roberts is the Genomics SCOTUS
The rest of us would be called anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists in the wake of all of this
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