Thread explaining the #Sudan /Ethiopia Border conflict.The Main area of conflict is Little Fashga that borders Amhara region and to a lesser extent Greater Fashga that borders Tigray. Little Fashga is the triangle of land between the Atbara river,Angereb river & Ethiopia’s border
While Greater Fashga is the triangle of land between the Angereb River, the tekeze (Setit) River & Ethiopian border. I describe this as a border conflict rather than a border dispute because the #Sudan Ethiopia border is fully demarcated. There’s no legitimate doubt that
both these regions lie within Sudan. With Ethiopia recognising Sudanese ownership over the region in 1902 at the same time Britain on behalf of Sudan recognised Gambela as part of Ethiopia and this was confirmed in post independence border demarcations between the two countries.
Ethiopians entered the Fashga region in 1995 for the first time around the same time Egypt entered Halayeb. Both occupations where instigated as a means of punishing Sudan’s Gov for its perceived involvement in the attempted assassination of Hossni Mubarak in Addis Ababa
The Fashga region was chosen for annexation largely because the rivers that crossed it geographically divided it from the rest of Sudan, making it very hard for Sudan’s army to defend. The TPLF Government of Ethiopia never at any point claimed sovereignty of Fashga but as it was
Under Ethiopian control it became a prized region for Ethiopian farmers particularly from the Amhara region to expand into. This is little Fashga as you can see it is intensively cultivated by Amhara farmers. As the relationship between #Sudan & Ethiopia improved the TPLF Gov
agreed to formally return Fashga to Sudan. However, Amhara militias (shifta) refused to accept this and maintained the occupation. This year for the first time an Ethiopian leader has tried to claim that little Fashga is Ethiopian, no doubt as an attempt to win Amhara support
for his war against the TPLF. Greater Fashga that borders Tigray is now more or less under Sudanese control but the continued occupation of little Fashga and attempts by Abyi Ahmed to formally annex is setting the scene for a dangerous confrontation down the line
Occupied Little Fashga outlined on Google Earth
@umasalam this maybe of interest
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