The candidate (who is not named) applied twice and was accepted twice as appointable twice by the ACMD selection panel, was recommended by the Home Office both times, but then blocked by No. 10 on both occasions.
This was not because they had said anything offensive (as when @toadmeister was barred from @officestudents), but just because they had criticised govt policy.
The Public Appointments Commissioner, @_peterriddell, has ruled that ministers were within their rights to bar the complainant from the ACMD, within the relevant code.
In my view, this clearly goes against the 'principle of public life' which are supposed to guarantee 'objectivity' and 'impartiality'.
If suitably qualified experts like these can be barred from public appointments just because they have criticised govt, then the selection process is obviously not objective and impartial.
There are also obvious issues of #feeespeech. Although I doubt the fake campaigners @SpeechUnion will pick up on this.
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