Thread (CW: gaslighting, mental health, abuse)
I've seen gaslighting coming up a lot and I've noticed there's a lot of misconceptions about what gaslighting is and is not.

Gaslighting is not:
Calling you on your shit
Gaslighting is also not confabulation, which is when someone doesn't form a memory of something and their brain fills in the gap with erroneous information. If you're talking to someone who is confabulating, you may feel gaslit as hell, but they are not trying to gaslight you.
Gaslighting is used to control and manipulate. It is used as an abuse tactic to make someone question their sanity and therefore depend on the abuser in order to determine their reality. Typically, it requires intent (though see the above article).
Now let's talk about DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender. This describes a pattern of behavior seen in abusers once they're caught in order to reduce victim credibility. Here's an article going into it more:
How is DARVO related to gaslighting? Well, in broad strokes, it isn't. However, if someone who is being abusive responds to being called out on it by claiming they are being gaslit and publicly accusing the victim(s) of gaslighting them, remember DARVO.
It's so hard when our heroes, mentors, and loved ones fall from the pedestals we put them on. When you see these reactions, try to remember what message is being portrayed and why.
That's the end of this thread. Thank you for sticking with it. If you have any questions, I'm awake for a little while. I hope you all have a happy and safe night.
Post-script: LOVE seeing mistakes in threads I made. LOVE IT. "gender, gender identity" 🙃 Good job, Jess
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