1/ I've been listening to all sorts of podcasts as of late. Information is starting to come more clearly into focus.
2/ Where we thought we were being persecuted by Silicon Valley unmercifully, it would appear that it was dead and done a long time before President Trump took the oath of office. Thanks @barackobama! He gave away ICANN and thus we lost control of the internet.
3/ And while the judicial system became overly corrupt and legislating from the bench became a socialist past time, we did not realize that the fix had already been in. President Trump has had the silicon valley speech cartel by the short hairs since he took office.
4/ PANIC in DC come to mind anyone? "We have it all" sound familiar? What we really are just enduring is blistering censorship so that those who don't think there is anything wrong with giving up our rights will eventually get fed up and WAKE UP!
5/ The American psyche, has been so dumbed down by the education system that the notion of the "government owes us a living" has become the expected and not repugnant.
6/ When you consider the recent comments by @llinwood and @sidneypowell1 regarding the evil around us, the globalists with their sick predilections, and the fact that @realdonaldtrump had really ZERO pushback on getting trade deals done while getting NATO members to start…
7/ …paying up while detonating our membership to the Paris Accord, you start to realize that we are no longer at the mercy of the deep state. We are more free than we realize.
8/ What we need to start doing is acting accordingly and telling our state legislatures that we will not tolerate our elections being stolen by those who are making one last desperate attempt to subvert our freedoms instilled by our creator.
9/ The very creator for which they loathe. #WeThePeople need to listen to patriots who have made life changing sacrifices like @GenFlynn and fight back to save our own self-worth and our Republic.
10/ For if we expect others to do so, we are only making the problem worse, feeding into the narrative that communism works and setting a course for self-destruction.. And we only have to look around the world at all the epic failures to see just how wrong that notion is.
11/ The fact that #TheWall is needed and immigration reform is of high import, to understand just how great a country we are and why so many are desperate to enjoy the freedoms for which many take for granted.
12/ Be an American Citizen: exercise your right to demand free and fair elections where we only count #everylegalvote.
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