Sikhs really need to find their own niche within the current Indian social climate imo. There should be no picking sides. Our 'dharmic connection' shouldn't blind us to the most disgusting elements of Hindutva & their targeting of Muslims. Our position as a 'fellow minority'...
shouldn't make us ignorant of the very real reality that Hindus also suffer in India, that violence isn't always a one-way street and poverty doesn't have caste/religious-biases. My one very big problem with Indian Sikh elites is that of the ones who are politically-engaged...
they tend to throw their lot in entirely with one side or the other without trying to forge a distinct position for themselves in the political sphere at all. You have the Sikhs who bootlick the BJP, think being a Sikh means we have a religious requirement to prostrate before...
the State, go above and beyond to *prove* our nationalism & that if they do so, they'll be seen as full equals + the mob will spare them if that day ever comes (lol). Obviously I think most people can now see that isn't true, and being the biggest puppet won't stop ppl from...
labelling you a 'khalistani' and stripping you of all your humanity as soon as you step out of line. That is no way for a Sikh to live, and I am hopeful the recent actions of RW Indians have shown that to a new generation of apne who thought nationalistic posturing was all it...
was going to take to secure respect & equality. On the other hand, you have the bloc of Sikhs aligned with minority groups, and the one big problem with these folks tends to be they're very myopic in understanding who the sufferer and victim are within Indian society. Their...
answer to those questions is almost always centred around religion, with everyone within the minority religions perennial victims and every person in the majority religion an evil oppressor. This does nothing to alleviate the problem of dehumanization that exists in India; all...
does is shift it to another demographic. No Sikh should be under the delusion that Hindus don't have problems in India - not only is it just not true objectively, but our religion calls on us to rise above such thought as well. Everyone has a dozen favourite Gurbani quotes...
affirming the equality of all humankind. That is *all* humankind we must remember, and we are letting our Gurus down by pretending hundreds of millions of people couldn't possibly suffer just because they happen to belong to a community that is above 50% of the population.
I really hope to see Indian Sikhs carve out a new role for themselves, one where they aren't content to be used by other minority groups simply for the purpose of painting the entire majority as evil, and certainly not used by Hindutva proponents as the token minority to prove...
there's nothing wrong with where the country's headed, or as a shield to deflect the very real criticism that does exist of their treatment of certain groups (Muslims a big on in this category). Indian Sikhs should be unafraid to stand up for both Muslims & Hindus, acknowledge...
that wrongdoings happen on both sides and resist the pressure to be silent about one side's transgressions just because we are a 'fellow minority' when Hindus are targeted or 'our dharmic bros' when mobs attack Muslims. Our Gurus demand better from us than such communalism
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