Kind call out:
I've noticed many makers on my twitter build, launch, then go quiet.

The latter especially if they didn't get much traction when launching.

I'm at this stage and am realising the hard work begins after launch.

It's now time to:
Adjust your positioning.

Tighten your target customer.

Clarify your messaging.

Turn tentative early adopters into raving fans.

Build based on feature requests.

Fix bugs.

Then "launch" again. And again.

Don't stop. You're not done yet.
If you need help with this stuff start with:

@aprildunford's obvious awesome. On sale now!

@arvidkahl's zero to sold. He's also writing a new book on audience first.

Feel free to DM me. I'm learning about this stuff too and we can do it together.
You can follow @lesley_pizza.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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