many people in academia realized they might have undiagnosed ADHD as an adult?
Or is it just me whose stress response to a global pandemic, economic collapse and lack of strong kinship networks locally is to just keep showing up for multiple projects and scattering my attention?
I have another perspective on this, that the collection of behaviours I am calling ADHD is not so much my own innate neurological state but a set of adaptive tendencies developed over years...
...of constant uncertainty, precarity and the dance of having transnational kinships and its associated emotions that wreak havoc on being embodied and present with one's energies in one place at a time. The constancy of this split energy thus manifests as what some call ADHD.
In 2014, I was first diagnosed with clinical depression. I read a while back that in women and girls ADHD often manifests as/is misdiagnosed as depression because of the way they are socialized.
I went off depression meds in 2018 - been surviving the pandemic without them, and all I see are symptoms more in line with what others call ADHD, and not at all depression.
ADHD traits feel more deeply rooted than anything else. Would also explain why I have changed dissertation topics about 245039475 times.
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