Man...I’m tired. #twitter, #liberals, and #Republican #politics are making my head spin.

1. If I don’t think it’s right for individuals to “identify” as whatever and whoever they want to be, I am a phobic of some kind.
2. If I think most of the #LGBTQ community is being used for political gain, and fame, again I hate them.

3. If I show eveidence to back a statement, and it’s true, I am called a liar, or a conspiracy theorist.
4. If I point out biblical truths that expose so-called-Christian-movements that are not preaching the Christ of the Bible, I am called a Pharisee.

5. If I call out poor behavior exhibited by our President, I am called a #nevertrumper.
6. When exposing fraudulent behavior by #BLM, I am called an Uncle Tom, and a racist.

7. When I talk about possible fraud within the #election2020, I am silenced.

Yep...there is no winning on either side. Just seek Christ via the Bible. He’s the only one that makes sense.
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