Extensive thread of my safe foods + how I use them in my dishes and make them much more enjoyable to consume. Also low cal meal ideas, tips, tricks and more
+ Disclaimer: I may be too involved with food preparation for an anorexic due to old habits of mine but I'm nowhere near a masterchef participant in terms of experience, keep that in mind.
+ Trigger warnings for food imagery applies beyond this point.
+ I recommend using as little oil as you can or none at all when cooking anything. I sometimes bake my vegetables in the oven without adding any extra oil and it works wonders—low cal too!
+ Excuse my lame english I'm terrible with obscure terms
——Garlic - 4.5 cals per clove
My fav safe food. A metabolism booster, immune system improver and appetite suppressant; I put garlic in almost EVERY dish I make. Rich in nutrition, it contains a little bit of almost everything you need. The fragrance it adds to dishes is so +
+ good it's addicting. Make this an essential for everything you make, trust me you won't regret it. Mash or dice it and add it to whatever tf you want to it's guaranteed to taste good, or consume it by itself if you're insane like me. Best w/yogurt, salad and any dish rly
Light yogurt - 110 cals per 200 grams
Second fav safe food. Incredibly filling, nutritious and delicious when consumed in moderation. Very sexy addition to your dishes and salads, goes well with ANYTHING. I prefer to consume it with mashed garlic and other seasonings.
+ Makes a great dipping by itself or when mixed with seasonings and such. You'll be surprised by how much of a game changer this is when you make it an essential, from your metabolism to taste buds you can satisfy a lot with it. Yes it helps you to shit as well, convinced now?
Protip: Mix yogurt with water until it's somewhat softer and add diced cucumbers, crushed garlic, parsley, and seasoning (and any other greens you may desire) for a very nice 'cold soup' type of salad that is very filling and delicious. Yogurt has no limits, go wild!
——Eggs - ~70 cals per egg
What's wrong with edtwt why are you guys so against eggs?? The yolk alone may be ~50 cals but it has ~4 grams of protein and the white has ~20 cals and ~3 more grams of protein. It's also filling. Firstly, a boiling guide (numbers are minutes)
+ Yolk is especially delicious when softly boiled/fried and added to salads & other dishes, it can be used as a good dipping/sauce due to its melty nature. Below is eggs in two different cultural vegetable dishes, its soft texture blends so well w/the other ingredients its scary
+ In conclusion: Just get creative with eggs! They're good with anything and quite filling/nutritious too. Below is omurice (stir-fried rice & eggs) and salad w/a softly boiled egg. Don't forget the seasonings!
——Mushrooms - 4 cals per piece
Filling, tasty, low cal and nutritious—what more are you asking for? These bitches can be added to every dish imaginable and would make everything %100 better. I'd binge on these bad boys any day and not feel bad whatsoever.
+ Especially when stir fried with garlic and other vegetables, or cooked in stew, mushrooms are incredible. I also like to add stir fried garlic+mushrooms to my salads or mix it w/light yogurt. My mushroom stews include bell peppers, onions, garlic and tons of seasoning.
——Broccoli - 34 cals per 100 grams
Want a plate/dish to be more filling? Slap this bitch on it! Don't hesistate for even a moment! Not too big on broccolis myself but planning to change it, these vegetables have insanely low calories for their large volume!
+ I can't emphasize how well they go with sauces enough. They go very well with yogurt, spicy sauces/ketchup, and other seasonings. And salad of course. Make it a part of your eating habits for consuming way less cals for way higher volumes of food!
——Cauliflower - 25 cals per 100 grams
The cousin of broccoli, carrying on the large volume less cals pattern. Some complex recipes with these might have a lot more calories than expected, so consume with caution if you're planning to consume it in such a dish.
+ Best when steamed; albeit a little plain by itself. However still a great addition to your salads, plates and sauces, for me it's best w/ seasoned yogurt/mayo/other sauces. Cauliflower was sent by god as a sauce ingredient, it's insanely good in almost all dippings/sauces.
——Spinach - 23 cals per 100 grams
I usually don't like these raw, but they're incredibly good and healthy when cooked.
+ In Turkey we LOVE spinach with ground meat + eggs + yogurt, and also in pastry if you're into that. Too many cals in pastry but wanted to mention it anyway, however I highly recommend you to just put them in your salad or cook them instead.
——Hummus - 25 cals 1 tbsp
I VERY highly recommend you to make this yourself with little/no oil instead of buying it premade to avoid excess oil calories. (Or avoid buying anything premade in general whenever you can) And consume it in moderation.
+ Hummus is a great source of fiber & protein and can even promote weight loss. It's a great dipping and I really enjoy it myself. It's not that difficult to prepare too, just look up some low/no fat recipes online. Then you can go wild with it as salad topping/vegetable dipping
——Shrimp - 17 cals per shrimp
A little high in calories but do you realize just how much protein these have? They're %94 protein it's insane! An uncommon ingredient but absolutely worth it, if you want to up your protein intake make shrimps a part of your daily life
——Light tuna - 70~100 cals per can (depending on the brand)
Self explanatory. Amazing protein source and low in cals; best w/salads and sandwiches, I enjoy this %200 more with hot sauce and similar sauces.
+ I sometimes like eating it w/ softly boiled eggs and seasoning (and whatever vegetable I may have at the time)?? I may be a little eccentric but it tastes good. It's very good by itself too
—Chicken breast - 165 cals, 31g protein per 100g
Literally why are you not putting this in every dish you prepare? Low in calories, high in proteins and delicious as fuck! There are hundreds upon hundreds of possible chicken recipes, I like mine best when boiled and in salads
Soup is one of my biggest safe foods ever, literally why is it so underrated in edtwt? It's incredibly easy to find low cal soup recipes everywhere with every recipe being less that 50 or 100 cals, and also extremely filling and delicious. Here are some of my fav recipes!
+ I mainly consume traditional low cal soups cooked in my household but I also consume and recommend these alternatives whenever I'm asked. Also cup soups can be as low as 40-50cals, so give them a try! Make sure the check the nutrition values first, of course.
Ending this thread for now as I can't come up with anything else but I will be updating if I do. I'd like to end this thread by saying that as much as we all hate food, it has an artistic side to itself and you can really get creative in kitchen and be guaranteed great results. +
+ This is food we're talking about, anything goes well with anything. Put whatever you want into your dishes and salads, give it all a try! Don't be scared, again this is the kitchen, get creative and go beyond your limits. Try things outside the norm! You won't regret it.
+ As long as you know how to keep yourself under control and have the sufficent self discipline to keep all these low cal, I believe you can achieve great results that are also great for your silly little disordered eating habits. Good luck and happy cooking!
——Unsweetened almond milk - 13~26 cals/100 ml (depends on the brand)
Forgot to add this anamia fave. So you want to lose weight huh? Cut off any variation of milk from your life and start using unsweetened almond milk for everything if you aren't already.
—— Konjac/Shirataki Noodles - 20~50cals per 200g (depending on the brand)
I'll admit that these taste a little like plastic, but by mixing them with the foods above you can have an extra filling and delicious meal.
+ Stir fry vegetables and boiled chicken breasg, prepare a package of these, add desired sauces/spices, and you're good to go! The biggest advantage of these are their insanely low calorie value so you can go a little overboard with the rest of the ingredients without worrying
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