On Tuesday, the 42nd Meeting of Brazilian Econometric Society is gonna start ( …https://6e1a783e-6776-49ee-b834-3f20b31b445d.filesusr.com/ugd/40c6c0_8e677fc4973446e681e6ddd83be915d1.pdf).

I’ll take this opportunity to highlight some brilliant work from young Brazilian researchers. I’ll focus on people I know personally and whose research I find inspiring.
Feel free to jump in and suggest other amazing papers being presented at this meeting or at ANPEC’s conference.
Session 1A:

@lnmeloni and @rphlbruce will present their paper about organized crime and COVID policies. ( https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3678840). I actually read their paper and I find it thought-provoking.
Gabriela Fonseca ( https://eesp.fgv.br/en/node/5504 ) will present her work about teacher’s beliefs and human capital. Her co-authors are Cristine Pinto and Vladimir Ponczek, who were my professors as an undergrad and master student. Gabriela is doing really cool research on Econ of Ed.
The third paper in the session is written by Granato e @claudferraz, who is one of the main political economist nowadays.
Session 2B:
@rphlbruce will present his paper “Compulsory Voting and Persistence in Turnout”. He is a great young political economist and, whenever I talk to him, I learn something new. Check his other work too: https://sites.google.com/view/rbruce/research?authuser=0
Edson Severnini will present the following paper: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxlcnNldmVybmluaXxneDpjODViZjEzMWM4NDljNTg. His co-authors are Bento, Miller and Mookerjee. I met him for the first time in a previous meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society. He does amazing research about environmental economics.
Session 2C:
Mateus Dias and Luiz Fontes will present their paper about the effects of mental health policies. It is ab important topic and we should pay attention to it.

Guedes, Sant’Anna ( https://marcelosantanna.wordpress.com/ ) and Iachan will present their work on slums and housing supply.
Session 5A:
Caio Lorecchio ( https://sites.google.com/view/caiolorecchio/research?authuser=0) will present his work on persuading crowds. He also has a working paper with Daniel Monte about recommender systems that got the Best Theory Paper Award in the same conference last year.
Session 5B:
Natália Marchi ( https://eesp.fgv.br/integrante/natalia-zanetti-marchi) will present her work “Literacy Development in Early Childhood Education”, co-authored with Cristine Pinto and Vladimir Ponzcek.
Session 5C:
@FelipeLobel, Arruda and Zuniga will talk about corporate taxation and evasion responses. @robertohsu and Farias will talk about registration costs and formalization of micro entrepreneurs.
Session 7B: Applied Micro Prize
@Nicolas_Ajz, Da Mata and Cavalcanti will present their paper about the harms caused by irresponsible leaders during a pandemic.
Ogeada, Ornelas and Soares will talk about labor unions and the electoral consequences of trade liberalization.
Session 11A
Bruno Barsanetti ( https://sites.google.com/site/barsanetti/home) does research on economic development and micro theory. This week, he will present his theoretical work with Braz Camargo about signaling.
Eduardo Faingold will also talk about common knowledge in the same session.
Session 11C
@rod_coliveira, Santos + Severnini will talk about affirmative action when the students cannot switch their majors. Although she is not presenting her work at this conference, @ana_p_melo does amazing research on this topic too and she always teaches me smth new.
@mariaomed, Gonzaga and Terra will present their work on gender wage gap and job flexibility.
Session 12B: Theory Prize
@OnuWeiss will present her work on “Information Acquisition and Disclosure by a Biased Advisor”. She is on the market and you should check her other work too: https://paulaonuchic.com/paula-onuchic-1 
Humberto Moreira will present his work on risk classification.
Session 12C: Econometrics Prize
@sergiopfirpo will present his work with Galvão, Kobus, Parker and Rosa-Dias about “Loss Aversion and Welfare Ranking of Policy Interventions”: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.08468.pdf This paper connects economic and econometric theories in a beautiful way.
The other paper is my own work with @OBartalotti and Kédagni ( https://sites.google.com/site/desirekedagni/) about MTE when there is sample selection: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3422519. We are all excited about it and there is so much work to be done in this area that combines treatment and sample selection.
Session 14A:
@bruno_ferman will present his work “A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods”: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.08772 . He is really excited about this paper that discusses practical ways to analyze a test size in many applied contexts.
Session 14C
@Lycia_Lima, @bruno_ferman and @friva_ will present their work on the effects of AI on writing skills: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de%2F103934%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFNNgR7qO4oqLJRitecBf0wrCHeeA
I would check all the work being done by @Lycia_Lima and @friva_, who are incredible young researchers.
Marcela Mello will present her work with Giulia Buccione about the effect of media on religion. In my opinion, they discuss one of the most politically relevant topics in Brazil today. It’s a great paper!
Da Mata, @rod_coliveira and Silva will discuss high-dosage job training programs in this eclectic session.
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