1/If a child has 2 dysfunctional parents. The child will likely be dysfunctional. If a team has a bad coach, the captain is left towing the line while the team struggles to win. If your boss is all over the map the employees are blamed for running the company into the ground.
2/That's how I feel about our country right now. And I'm not alone. Everything. I mean everything starts from the top. I was the Point Guard when I played basketball. The offense started with me. My job was to make things happen, hit my open jumpers & play hard nose defense.
3/If I didn't get my team into the game & get the ball to the guys I know can score, 9 out of 10 times we lose. 1 or 2 guys will get u a few wins, but eventually ur team will get worn down by the opponent who exposes your weaknesses.

Our country can't continue like this.
4/ Our go to players are Oil & Gas with a supporting cast from other Natural Resource sectors. We need to get back to the fundamentals of businesses that have made our country tick for decades. We need to get back to winning.
5/Never before have I seen a new group of players that have been redefined. We have the tools right here at home. Combined with new and innovative technology, our energy sector team will combat climate change.

The world needs more of Canada's Energy Team.
6/Thanks for listening. I hope you were able to follow analogy.

I'm a bit of a sports fanatic. After all basketball got me my first job. I use the same fundamental principles I learnt long ago that still helps me today.

Listen, Work hard, Learn new skills, Respect & Team Play
Lastly, I have to admit that the Govt has been responsive to small businesses. That will not last if we don't have a long term strategy. Canada's plans must include the recovery of our oil&gas sector. That needs to be the focus. Start with our strengths. It makes more sense.
...we can't keep spending. We need get moving on sholve ready projects.
When our energy sector thrives. Small businesses benefit from C2C2C.
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