Another SessRin heart/relationship energy analysis

(This is an 18+ Thread. Yes, that’s what I said lol)
Disclaimer: This thread is a continuation of the thread linked below. However, this thread talks more about physical contact and intimacy.

Again, this is speculated, and for fun. But this research helps me, and can help fellow smut fic writers. 😌
1. I explained previously that we all have unique life energy cycles that begin the moment we are born, and we can experience synchronicity and harmonize with another individual.
2. Studying individual and combined energy cycle compatibility, you can discover information about how two individuals would get along, even their intimate chemistry.

Their emotional compatibility is 94/100

physical energy compatibility is 92/100
3. intellectual energy compatibility is 89/100

intuitive energy compatibility is 48/100

What can we gather from this about their physical chemistry?
4. The high emotional compatibility tells us that they both care about each other’s needs. It’s likely that Rin would relay her needs more, and would be eager to please Sesshomaru.
5. She would possibly need to coax his desires out of him, while he would be far more interested in making sure she is enjoying herself.
6. The high physical compatibility implies constant sex, and after sex cuddling. It’s also obvious that they are not physically matched because Sesshomaru is far stronger, so he has dominant tendencies, but there are possibly several occasions where Rin will initiate sex.
7. The intellectual compatibility indicates that Rin may be very verbal during sex, and Sesshomaru, who isn’t much of a speaker and more of a processor, would pay attention to Rin’s guiding words, the pitch of sounds & moans to consider how he will please her next.
8. Rin may occasionally ask if he is enjoying something, for reassurance, and he would respond honestly. Though it’s likely that she will pay attention to any sounds he makes as well.
9. The low intuitive energy could mean Sesshomaru, being a demon that has stronger abilities (sensing auras, smelling scents, etc), he would be able to please Rin 100% of the time, without fail.
10. He can likely sense when she is aroused, smell when she is nearing a climax, feel her pulse, hear her heartbeat, the pace of her breath, and use those key details to give her exactly what she needs.
11. While Rin may not be as keen as him, she is still very in tune with Sesshomaru and would pay very close attention to his energy to make sure he enjoys it as much as she does.

In other words. They would fuck. A lot. & it would be good. Every time. That’s the thread 😂
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