I get what’s being said here, and indeed I have truly enjoyed working remotely in the past, and have done quite well, especially at my prior job... https://twitter.com/chris_herd/status/1334842553561198593
The problem for me is: I really crave social interaction and being physically around people. And I’m not talking about whether or not people can be more productive without distraction; I’m talking about feeling like I’m part of a team and a company...
I feel like creating a work culture in which you can feel like you truly belong, know that others are willing and available to help, feel like your individual needs are being met, etc. is _very very_ hard for management to pull off...
It’s not something that any CEO or company or manager can just flick a switch to make happen and make happen well. It requires a _lot_ of effort and constant iteration, just like engineering itself...
I’m worried about all the rhetoric around the switch to 100% remote working being a slam-dunk victory. It isn’t. Some people will do very well. Others will struggle a lot and will need help in order to succeed...
I also worry about the potential reduction of complexity regarding ADHD, namely that ZOMG REMOTE WORK IS SO MUCH BETTER FOR ADHD PEOPLE. That isn’t necessarily true for those folx nor any other neuroatypical ones. Every single person is different and has distinct needs...
And the more cynical side of me is thinking that switching to remote is absolutely a big win for executives, as they can potentially and substantially lower costs for office space and head count...
In other words, it has little to do with you, Dear Employee; it’s just capitalism at its finest...
I dunno... I suck at economics, don’t have an MBA, nor could I run a lemonade stand, so what the hell do I know about how best to run a billion-dollar company...
All I know is that I really like being around people... the din of conversation... the serendipitous ideas that pop out music head after swinging my chair around to a teammate... the teddy bear effect of knowing others are near... the opportunities for friendship...
Maybe I’m just too fucking sentimental for tech...
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