1/ However aggravating you find so-called wokeness to be, deliberate anti-wokeness is many orders of magnitude worse. Bc it almost always serves to rationalize inequity, injustice, and the demonizing of marginalized peoples, not just the style or manner of protest activity...
2/ Very few critics of those they call social justice warriors or the woke left (or whatever) are people who also spend time challenging systemic racism & other forms of injustice, but merely opt for different tactics. More often they deny the very existence of systemic racism...
3/ It's sort of like the loudest critics of cancel culture. Most are not people who have a history of challenging racism, sexism, transphobia, etc but merely think it should be done in a different way. They are mostly people who rarely ever challenge or care about those things...
4/ YES, there are exceptions. But most who are on this anti-SJW, anti-woke shtick are just people who think racism, misogyny, etc are not big problems and that those who say they are are whiners & snowflakes. They aren't debating tactics. They reject systemic reality.
5/ It is fine to disagree over protest tactics, strategies, slogans, and narratives. Those are all good discussions to have. And within various movements, people are having them all the time. But these folks are rarely found in any of these movements...
6/ They are, by and large, AT BEST, the equivalent of the moderate preachers King was blasting in the Letter from Birmingham Jail--not really involved in the movement or focused on obtaining its goals, but happy to lecture those who were...
7/ And at worst, they are like the right wingers who never supported the civil rights movement in the first place, blamed it for violence, accused it of fomenting anarchy, blasted King and others for being lawless, etc. Bad faith actors all of them.
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